
Are you considering coworking or coliving, or are you just curious about the evolving landscape of shared spaces? 

This article is your go-to guide! 

Coworking and coliving are emerging as the next big thing in real estate trends, with the global coworking market anticipated to grow significantly from $9.2 billion registered in 2022 to $34.5 billion by 2032, expanding at an alarming compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.6%, as per Allied Market Research. Concurrently, other studies also project exponential growth for the coliving market. 

In this coverage, we will unravel the dynamics of these transformative trends, providing insights, perspectives, and a glimpse into the exciting future of collaborative living and working. 

Explore expert financial guidance with Stephen Blake as we delve into these transformative realms. Stephen’s expertise, showcased in this collaborative blog post, offers invaluable perspectives. Let’s dive right in!


The Rise of Coliving and Coworking

Navigating Real Estate Trends in Coliving and Coworking Spaces - with Stephen Blake

Coliving and coworking have experienced a remarkable surge in popularity as real estate trends, capturing the essence of the evolving global work and living dynamics. Today, there are over 5 million coworkers worldwide, and this number is expected to experience even more significant growth. 

As already seen, the report by Allied Market Research projects a substantial annual growth rate of 14.6%, aligning closely with the 13% projection by Team Stage. Notably, the embrace of co-shared workspaces is evident among SMEs, with 37.93% utilizing these collaborative environments.

In this thriving ecosystem, the appeal of coworking extends beyond mere statistics. 84% of coworkers express heightened engagement and motivation when working alongside their peers. This statistic underscores the anticipation of further expansion in coworking, where collaborative environments foster creativity, productivity, and even better mental health. 

Meanwhile, in the realm of coliving, the chronic housing shortage we’re currently facing is expected to intensify in the coming years. Projections indicate that 9% of the global population will reside in 42 mega cities by 2030, with two-thirds expected to inhabit metro areas by 2050. 

Coliving consultant Leah Zilliac commented on these numbers, stating, “There simply isn’t enough housing to match these numbers. Coliving will (and must) play a role in helping to meet these demands in the future.” 

In other words, as we explore the landscapes of coliving and coworking, it becomes evident that these innovative models are not merely trends but integral solutions shaping the future of work and living.


Importance of Adapting to Modern Work and Lifestyle Trends

Navigating Real Estate Trends in Coliving and Coworking Spaces - with Stephen Blake 1

A lot has changed over the years in how we approach work and lifestyle. Thanks to population growth, technology, increased knowledge, and other triggers of change, almost all spheres of life have been affected by the wave of transformation, and this includes the commercial real estate landscape. 

For instance, gone are the days when a homebuyer had to attend countless in-person meetings to negotiate on a few elements when buying a house. Nowadays, remote buying of real estate has taken over, and that’s just one of the many palpable changes we’re witnessing in the housing market.

Coliving and coworking are other transformative trends, underscoring the inevitability of the changes happening in our current world.

But then, what is the importance of adapting to modern work and lifestyle practices, you may ask?

Well, here are some benefits:

  • Flexibility and Autonomy: Modern trends in work and lifestyle offer unprecedented flexibility. The shift to remote work allows individuals to structure their workdays in a way that suits them best, fostering a sense of autonomy.
  • Global Connectivity: The influence of technology has shattered geographical barriers. Coliving and coworking spaces provide a platform for global connectivity, enabling professionals to collaborate and connect across borders.
  • Economic Considerations: Embracing modern work and lifestyle trends can be economically advantageous. Remote work reduces the need for extensive office space, leading to cost savings for businesses. Similarly, coliving arrangements often offer more affordable living options than traditional housing.
  • Wellness and Community: There’s an increasing recognition of the importance of wellness in the workplace. Coliving spaces are designed with community and well-being in mind, providing shared amenities and communal areas that contribute to a holistic living experience.
  • Work-Life Integration: Modern trends encourage a seamless integration of work and life. The distinction between professional and personal spheres is becoming less rigid, allowing for a more balanced and harmonious lifestyle.

In essence, the changing dynamics of work and lifestyle underscore the need to adapt to modern real estate trends. Remote work, remote real estate transactions, coliving, and coworking are not just trends; they represent a paradigm shift that emphasizes flexibility, connectivity, and a holistic approach to life and work. As we navigate this transformative era, embracing these trends becomes not only beneficial but essential for thriving in the evolving landscape.


Coliving Trends

In recent years, coliving has witnessed a remarkable surge in popularity as societal and work dynamics undergo a transformative shift. Individuals are increasingly drawn to the concept of shared living that extends beyond traditional accommodation models. This trend is driven by a desire for community, flexibility, and enhanced social interaction.

The Concept of Coliving

Coliving represents a departure from conventional housing arrangements, emphasizing not just shared physical spaces but the cultivation of a vibrant and supportive community. 

It is a holistic approach to living that caters to a diverse demographic, offering an experiential lifestyle beyond mere cohabitation. Residents actively engage in communal activities, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose and finding a way to work around the escalating home prices.  

The concept aligns with the evolving preferences of a generation seeking meaningful connections and collaborative living experiences.

Demand for Coliving Spaces

The escalating demand for coliving spaces reflects a cultural shift in housing preferences. The mobile workforce, in particular, finds appeal in the flexibility and convenience offered by coliving arrangements. 

Millennials, as per LinkedIn, were initially the main driving force behind these real estate trends, owing to the social dynamics and cost-effectiveness inherent in shared living. However, demographics have shifted with time, with 2023 stats now showing older adults, including baby boomers and retirees, embracing the coliving arrangement. 

The integration of workspaces within coliving environments adds an extra layer of attractiveness, aligning with contemporary expectations of seamless work-life integration.

Key Features of Successful Coliving Spaces

Successful coliving spaces exhibit distinct features that contribute to their popularity and functionality:

  • Community-Centric Design: Thoughtfully crafted spaces that encourage social interaction through shared kitchens, lounges, and recreational areas. Design elements promote spontaneous connections among residents, fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Flexibility in Leasing: Offering short-term leases provides residents the freedom to adapt to changing circumstances. This flexibility aligns with the dynamic nature of modern lifestyles, catering to a diverse demographic, including digital nomads and short-term project-based workers.
  • Integrated Workspaces: Recognizing the importance of work-life balance, successful coliving spaces incorporate dedicated workspaces. These areas are equipped with amenities like high-speed internet and comfortable seating, creating a conducive environment for remote work.
  • Amenities and Shared Resources: Beyond individual living units, coliving spaces provide communal amenities such as fitness centers, coworking spaces, and laundry facilities. Shared resources, including utilities and internet, contribute to cost-effectiveness for residents.
  • Conflict Resolution Protocols: Conflicts are inevitable no matter who’s around us, so clear guidelines and mechanisms for conflict resolution are crucial for maintaining a harmonious living environment. Establishing transparent communication channels and addressing issues promptly contribute to the overall well-being of the community.
  • Cultural and Lifestyle Programming: Successful coliving spaces often curate cultural and lifestyle events. These can include workshops, social gatherings, and skill-sharing sessions, enhancing the overall experience and fostering a sense of community engagement.
  • Environmental Sustainability: A growing focus on sustainability is observed in successful coliving spaces. Incorporating eco-friendly practices, such as solar power, energy-efficient appliances, and waste reduction initiatives, resonates with environmentally conscious residents.

These features collectively define the success of coliving spaces, creating environments that not only meet the functional needs of residents but also contribute to a thriving and interconnected community.


Coworking Trends

The evolution of workspace dynamics has brought forth significant real estate trends in the coworking landscape. As professionals seek flexible and collaborative environments, coworking spaces have adapted to meet these changing needs. 

The Concept of Coworking

Coworking revolutionizes traditional office setups by providing shared workspaces that foster collaboration and flexibility. It goes beyond mere physical spaces, emphasizing a community-driven approach where diverse professionals coexist, share ideas, and collaborate. 

The benefits of coworking extend beyond a desk; it’s a dynamic environment that caters to freelancers, entrepreneurs, and remote workers, offering an alternative to traditional office settings. 

This shared space not only provides a cost-effective and adaptable work environment but also creates a vibrant community where the benefits of coworking, such as networking opportunities and shared resources, become integral to professional growth and a fulfilling work experience.

Growth of the Coworking Industry

The coworking industry has experienced exponential growth since 2010, impacting property management, driven by the rise of the gig economy, remote work trends, and a shift in professional preferences.

This flexible workspace solution has become a mainstream choice for individuals and businesses seeking cost-effective, adaptable, and community-oriented work environments. The industry’s trajectory signals a fundamental change in how people approach workspaces.

Essential Elements of Coworking Spaces

Successful coworking spaces exhibit key elements that contribute to their popularity and functionality. Some of these common trends include:

  • Flexible Workspaces: Coworking spaces include adaptable layouts that cater to diverse work styles, providing open areas for collaboration, private offices for focused work, and communal zones for informal discussions.
  • Community Atmosphere: Fostering a sense of community through networking events, skill-sharing workshops, and shared spaces that encourage spontaneous interaction. Coworking spaces often have community managers to facilitate connections among members.
  • Technology Integration: Equipping spaces with cutting-edge technology, including high-speed internet, video conferencing facilities, and smart office solutions. This enables seamless collaboration and connectivity for remote workers.
  • Amenities and Services: Offering amenities such as well-equipped coffee bars, comfortable lounges, and concierge services. Some coworking spaces even provide fitness facilities and wellness programs to enhance the overall work experience.
  • Accessibility: Convenient locations with easy access to public transportation, parking, and essential services. Proximity to restaurants, cafes, and other amenities contributes to the convenience of coworking spaces.
  • Customization Options: Allowing members to personalize their workspaces with adjustable desks, ergonomic furniture, and even branding opportunities. This creates a sense of ownership and comfort, enhancing the overall work environment.
  • Networking Opportunities: Facilitating networking through organized events, industry-specific meetups, and online platforms. Coworking spaces often have dedicated spaces for networking, encouraging collaboration and professional growth.
  • Sustainability Practices: Incorporating eco-friendly initiatives, such as energy-efficient lighting, recycling programs, and sustainable materials in construction. This commitment to sustainability aligns with the environmental consciousness of many professionals.

These essential elements collectively contribute to the success of coworking spaces, creating environments that not only meet the practical needs of professionals but also nurture a collaborative and vibrant community.



In our evolving world, coliving and coworking are the surging real estate trends in the market. Over 5 million people globally are coworking, with a projected 14.6% annual growth. Coliving addresses an impending housing shortage by 2030. Adapting to modern work trends is crucial, offering flexibility, global connections, and greater affordability. Remote work and shared spaces redefine our work-life approach. Coliving fosters wellness, while coworking emphasizes community and collaboration, benefitting freelancers, entrepreneurs, and remote workers. Embracing these trends is essential for a more dynamic and interconnected future.

Recently, I had the opportunity to discuss the evolving concept of coliving on the French podcast “Being Useful” by SudRadio. This platform allowed me to delve into the benefits of shared living, and why coliving is a practical and innovative solution in today’s modern society. 


What is Shared Living? 

The Benefits of Shared Living - Why is Coliving Useful?

Generally speaking, shared living is an innovative approach to housing that redefines the traditional concept of a home. It involves individuals living together in a shared space, where they not only share the physical space but also experiences, resources, and often values. 

There are many different types of shared living. Coliving has become one of the most popular in recent years. In coliving spaces, residents have access to areas like common kitchens, lounges, cinema rooms and coworking spaces. These spaces facilitate a blend of private and communal living. It’s a concept that taps into the sharing economy, aiming to make housing more affordable and socially enriching.


The Benefits of Shared Living 

The Benefits of Shared Living - Why is Coliving Useful?

During the pandemic, confined largely to my home, the benefits of shared living became abundantly clear to me. I envisioned what I desired in a future living space. This included a dedicated area for remote work, an outdoor area for gardening and fresh air, a gym for exercise, and a well-equipped kitchen for cooking. In a city like Paris, where real estate is incredibly costly, owning such amenities individually is nearly unfeasible.

Shared Resources for Collective Value

Coliving offers a sustainable solution by offering shared high-quality spaces. You have access to spaces like fitness centers, coworking areas, movie theaters, and rooftop terraces, all while still having your own private room, studio or apartment. Coliving makes luxury living accessible and affordable. It provides far more amenities and space than available in a traditional rental for the same cost. 

Redefining Housing and Space Utilization

Coliving is not just about sharing space; it’s about rethinking our relationship with private and communal areas. It’s the application of the sharing economy to residential living. In coliving spaces, every square meter is optimized for maximum utility. Areas typically underutilized in conventional buildings, like basements and attics, are transformed into vibrant common areas, games rooms, or gyms. This approach redistributes the value of space, creating communal areas for maximum value and enjoyment. 

Enhancing the Rental Experience

The traditional rental process in large cities can be daunting and impersonal. Coliving simplifies this with a paperless, efficient booking system. At Urban Campus, our platform facilitates everything from safe payments to community event subscriptions, offering a transparent and seamless living experience. This convenience is a primary reason why individuals opt for coliving.

Not to mention, all of our Urban Campus coliving spaces come completely equipped and furnished. Our units are move-in ready from the first day of your booking, right down to forks, knives and spoons. Plus, additional services like utilities, cleaning, wifi, laundry, and Netflix are all included in the price of your monthly rent, making the coliving experience even more convenient. 

Combating Loneliness and Fostering Community

In major cities, loneliness is an increasing concern, with many households comprising single individuals or childless couples. Coliving addresses this issue by designing spaces that promote interaction and human connection, countering the isolation typically found in big cities. 

Our Urban Campus coliving spaces have demonstrated the profound benefits of shared living, from inspiring new friendships to sparking entrepreneurial ventures. The emphasis on community building, mutual support, and personal growth creates a living environment where over 95% of our residents have reported feeling happier and less lonely.

Ultimately, coliving is about re-learning to live together, embracing the African proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” It’s a journey towards a more connected, fulfilling, and sustainable way of living.

Explore more about Urban Campus coliving spaces: 

Are you curious about the benefits of coliving? 

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, the way we live and work is transforming. Enter coliving – a concept that redefines traditional living arrangements, offering a blend of community, convenience, and flexibility. Let’s explore the benefits of coliving and how it can enhance living experiences. 


What is Coliving?

The Benefits of Coliving: A New Era in Urban Living

Coliving is a modern form of communal living that goes beyond the mere shared housing. It’s an urban-centric accommodation solution, ideal for people new to a city, seeking an easy housing option, or looking for meaningful community. 

Coliving spaces are typically fully-furnished and integrate extensive common areas like coworking spaces, terraces, and gyms, promoting a blend of privacy and community living. Plus, they offer intetional communities of like-minded people.


Brief History of Coliving

The Benefits of Coliving: A New Era in Urban Living

The concept of coliving, akin to ‘coworking’, originated in Silicon Valley, a hub for young professionals and entrepreneurs. It evolved as a response to the unaffordable housing options in bustling urban centers. Initially, it was seen as a university residence for working professionals, but it has since expanded globally, adapting to diverse urban needs and lifestyles. Now, the benefits of coliving for a variety of different demographics are widely recognized. 


Key Benefits of Coliving

The Benefits of Coliving: A New Era in Urban Living

  • Combatting Isolation: Coliving offers an environment where residents can connect with like-minded individuals, reducing feelings of loneliness and enhancing social interactions.
  • All-Inclusive Living: Coliving spaces often include all essentials like utilities, Wi-Fi, and furniture, simplifying living arrangements and reducing the hassle of managing separate bills.
  • Flexible and Affordable Housing: Coliving provides a cost-effective solution for housing in expensive urban areas, with flexible contracts and a range of accommodation options.
  • Community and Networking: Coliving spaces foster a sense of community, encouraging collaboration, professional networking, and social activities among residents.
  • Innovative Living Spaces: Modern coliving spaces are designed with a focus on fostering social interaction and providing comfortable, functional living areas. Most colivings include common spaces like coworking areas, shared kitchens, cinema rooms, living rooms, patios, terraces and more. These can be especially useful for digital nomads or people who work remotely. 


Coliving with Urban Campus

The Benefits of Coliving: A New Era in Urban Living

Urban Campus is leading the way in the coliving movement, providing premium living spaces in pivotal urban areas. At the heart of Urban Campus is a commitment to fostering a supportive community. We strive to create environments where residents feel a sense of belonging and happiness, reducing overall feelings of loneliness. 

Urban Campus coliving spaces are vibrant hubs, hosting a variety of social events each month to strengthen community bonds and friendships. Our spaces are a unique melting pot, blending locals with individuals from around the globe. We cater specifically to young professionals, which has translated into a highly entrepreneurial and creative communities. 

Additionally, there are a variety of communal areas and private living spaces to enjoy. Each of our coliving spaces offers a range of private rooms and studios to choose from. You’ll also find our signature common zones in all Urban Campus coliving spaces, which typically include: 

  • Coworking space
  • Gym
  • Cinema Room
  • Living Room
  • Shared kitchen 
  • Patio
  • Terrace 

Above all, Urban Campus offers flexibility and ease. We only require a 30-day notice for lease cancellations, providing residents with the freedom to adapt as their needs change. All of our spaces come fully furnished and equipped. Plus, the booking and application process is streamlined and completed entirely online.

Check out our dynamic coliving spaces here. 

Coliving vs Cohousing – what’s the difference? 

Coliving and Cohousing are two contemporary living arrangements that are often confused, but they cater to different lifestyles and preferences. Both modern concepts present unique approaches to communal living. Understanding the differences between coliving vs cohousing can help you in making an informed decision about which type of community living best suits your lifestyle.


Coliving: A Community-Oriented Urban Lifestyle

Coliving vs Cohousing: What's the difference?

Coliving provides an urban-centric accommodation solution, ideal for newcomers to a city or those seeking an easy housing option. It simplifies the process of finding a place to live, especially in urban environments. Coliving spaces typically offer fully-furnished private rooms or studios, along with extensive common areas such as coworking spaces, terraces, and gyms.

Booking and Convenience

The booking process in coliving is usually streamlined and online, making it efficient and transparent. This contrasts traditional leasing, which often involves cumbersome paperwork and high deposits. Coliving also mitigates issues like acquiring furniture or dealing with fluctuating utility costs. This makes the move in process seamless and easy. 

Designed for Interaction and Convenience

Coliving spaces are architecturally designed to encourage interaction among residents. They provide well-thought-out shared spaces, fostering a sense of community. Residents enjoy the privacy of their own rooms, often with private bathrooms, while also having access to communal living rooms, gyms, and workspaces.

Integrated Services

Colivings often include additional services like weekly professional cleaning, laundry and various perks and discounts. This approach aims to reduce the hassle of daily chores, enabling residents to remain stress-free and focus on their personal and professional lives. It also improves affordability as all services are often combined into one single bill. 

Intentional Community Building

A significant aspect of coliving is the emphasis on community. Often, the selection of residents is based on complementary profiles to facilitate a harmonious living environment. This creates opportunities for social interaction, professional networking, and cultural exchange. Coliving typically targets younger demographics, often including young professionals. 

Length of Stay & Flexibility

In coliving spaces, the concept of flexibility is deeply ingrained, especially concerning the length of stay. Unlike traditional leases, coliving contracts may span from a few weeks to several months, or even more than a year. This all depends on the provider’s policies and the tenant’s requirements. This flexible nature allows tenants to adjust their living situations without the long-term commitment often demanded by conventional landlords. 

At Urban Campus, we embrace a highly flexible policy concerning length of stay. For lease terminations, we only require a 30-day notice period.


Cohousing: A Collaborative Approach to Shared Living

Coliving vs Cohousing: What's the difference?

Cohousing, on the other hand, leans towards a more suburban or rural setting. It typically consists of privately-owned housing units clustered around shared spaces. Residents often self-organize and manage cohousing communities, collaboratively planning and running the community.

Shared Spaces and Mutual Responsibility

Cohousing communities feature common facilities like kitchens, dining areas, and recreational spaces. These shared resources foster a strong sense of community. Residents participate in the management and maintenance of these amenities, promoting a collaborative environment.

Privacy with Community Engagement

While offering private living spaces, cohousing encourages community interactions through shared meals, activities, and decision-making processes. It combines personal privacy with collective living, making it suitable for families and individuals who value community involvement in addition to having their own private space.  

Sustainable and Inclusive

Cohousing often focuses on sustainability, with shared resources reducing individual consumption. Communities are inclusive and diverse, welcoming people from various backgrounds and fostering a supportive environment.


Differences between Coliving vs Cohousing

Coliving vs Cohousing: What's the difference?

Here are some of the key differences between coliving vs cohousing.

  • Location and Structure: Coliving is more prevalent in urban areas with fully furnished spaces, while cohousing is often found in suburban or rural areas with individual housing units. Both emphasize high property quality. 
  • Management: Coliving is typically managed by a company, offering services like cleaning and maintenance, whereas cohousing is self-managed by residents.
  • Community Involvement: Cohousing requires more democratic participation in community life, while coliving provides a ready-made community with less formal obligation and more freedom.
  • Privacy and Sharing: Coliving offers more privacy in living quarters with shared amenities, while cohousing balances private homes with communal responsibilities.


Coliving at Urban Campus

Coliving vs Cohousing: What's the difference?

Urban Campus, established in 2016, specializes in crafting exceptional coliving environments in France and Spain, tailored for the modern young professional. Here’s an overview of what sets our spaces apart:

  • Adaptable Lease Terms: Our leasing policy is designed with your convenience in mind, requiring just a 30-day notice for any lease modifications or terminations. This ensures maximum adaptability for our colivers.
  • Community for the Long Haul: Colivers typically stay with us for 12 months, allowing for the nurturing of deep, enduring connections and friendships within our community.
  • Convenience: Living at Urban Campus is a stress-free experience. All of our private and shared spaces come fully-furnished and equipped. Additionally, all of your essentials are included in the cost of rent: utilities, Wi-Fi, cleaning services, laundry and more. This means one consolidated monthly payment covers all your living needs. 
  • Easy Application: Experience the ease of our digital-first approach with a straightforward and smooth online application process.
  • Engaging Community Life: We pride ourselves on fostering a lively community atmosphere, enriched by a variety of monthly events. These events include everything from language exchanges and craft beer tastings to competitive sports tournaments, all contributing to an energetic and united community spirit.

Explore our dynamic coliving spaces here.

When it comes to the world of real estate investment, there are two primary categories that prospective investors often consider: commercial and residential properties. Both of these categories serve distinct purposes, offer unique advantages, and require different strategies for success. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the benefits of commercial vs. residential real estate, as well as emerging real estate trends. Plus, we will outline some essential steps to embark on a successful real estate investment journey. 


Types of Real Estate: Commercial vs. Residential Real Estate

Commercial vs. Residential Real Estate

The fundamental distinction between commercial vs. residential real estate lies in their intended use.

Commercial properties encompass a wide range of real estate assets, including office buildings, retail spaces and industrial warehouses. These properties are primarily used for business activities, typically housing commercial tenants who rent space for various business operations.

Residential properties, on the other hand, include single family homes, duplexes, apartments, condominiums and multifamily properties. These properties are designed for individuals and families looking for a place to call home. 


Benefits of Commercial vs. Residential Real Estate

Commercial vs. Residential Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate

Commercial properties offers a range of advantages for real estate investors. First, commercial properties often provide higher rental income potential compared to residential properties. Businesses are usually willing to pay a premium for space in areas with high foot traffic and visibility, making commercial properties a potentially lucrative investment. Stable, long term leases are also a common feature of commercial real estate. Commercial leases can be more lengthy than residential ones, providing more security for the investor. Commercial tenants often commit to multi-year leases, reducing turnover and vacancy rates.

Residential Real Estate

Residential leases typically come with predictable rental income, as residential tenants are often individuals or families seeking a stable place to live. Lease terms are generally shorter, providing opportunities to adjust rental rates more frequently. Managing residential properties can be less complex, especially in the case of single-family homes or small multifamily properties. Plus, residential properties can also experience property appreciation over time, contributing to the overall return on investment.


Steps to Embark in Real Estate Property Investment

Commercial vs. Residential Real Estate

Depending on your interests and goals regarding commercial vs. residential real estate, it is important to consider the following…

  • Educate Yourself: With commercial properties, begin by thoroughly understanding the types of commercial properties available and their associated risk profile. Consider the specific requirements of businesses in your target market. For residential properties, gain a deep understanding of the local residential real estate market, property types, and tenant demographics. Stay informed about current market trends.
  • Secure Financing: Explore various financing options, including initial costs and loans with lower loan-to-value ratios. Assess your financial capacity to determine the best financing approach.
  • Conduct Due Diligence: Conduct thorough market research, evaluating property potential for long-term growth. Assess factors such as location, market demand, property condition and property management requirements. 
  • Network: Focus on building relationships with commercial or residential real estate agents, brokers, and property owners, and even local real estate investment groups. Networking can provide insights into market trends and opportunities.
  • Lease Negotiations: Develop strong negotiation skills, and familiarize yourself with applicable laws in your area. Understanding the needs of your future tenants is crucial to this step.


Residential Real Estate in Spain

Commercial vs. Residential Real Estate

The residential real estate market in Spain remains a robust sector for investment. In 2022, home sales in Spain increased by 14.7%, totaling 649,712 transactions, as reported by the National Statistics Institute (INE). This figure is the second-highest in history, only surpassed by the year 2007. Notably, the most significant transactions occurred in major cities like Madrid, Barcelona, Málaga, Sevilla, and Valencia, where populations exceed 50,000. 

The entire year of 2022 marked a historic high in residential market investment, totaling 15.4 billion euros. This demonstrated a 35% growth compared to 2021 and a 21% increase over the previous peak in 2019. Additionally, investment in Build-to-Rent (BTR) and Private Rental Sector (PRS) projects reached a historic high at 2.6 billion euros in 2022. These numbers highlight the enduring strength of Spain’s residential real estate market.



Commercial vs. Residential Real Estate: An Introduction

Coliving is a rapidly growing real estate trend gaining popularity not only in Europe but on a global scale. It involves residents sharing a property, often a spacious house, building, or multi-bedroom apartment, with private rooms for each tenant and communal spaces that foster a sense of community. The growth of coliving can be attributed to shifting socioeconomic dynamics like increasing housing costs and changing lifestyle preferences. All of these factors offer promising prospects for the continued development of the coliving sector.

Coliving occupies a unique position in the real estate landscape, as coliving properties can be managed commercially or residentially. Urban Campus, for instance, takes a residential approach to managing coliving spaces. Our properties have a diverse range of private units and lively communal areas, such as lounges, coworking spaces, terraces, gyms, shared kitchens, and patios. An additional value of coliving is the strong sense of community. At Urban Campus, we organize engaging events that help facilitate these connections, which can be especially meaningful in the midst of a bustling urban city.

Check out Urban Campus’ most recent real estate projects here: 

It is no secret that we all want the easiest moving experience possible. 

At Urban Campus, we have made it a priority to simplify the moving process and provide convenience for our colivers. We have an expansive list of amenities all included the cost of your rent, so you only have to worry about paying one single bill every month. That’s right – when you pay your monthly rent, there is everything from Netflix to cleaning to utilities included. 


Cleaning and utilities included…what else? 

Wifi, cleaning & utilities included...plus so much more! 4

What does “utilities included” really mean? 

Our spaces at Urban Campus are fully furnished and equipped for you to move in. All you need to bring is your suitcase and toothbrush. Our goal is to make your transition to your new home smooth and stress-free, so we have taken care of all the essentials. No plates, cutlery, or household items needed! You’ll find everything for a comfortable living experience already in our Urban Campus coliving spaces. 


Utilities Included

Wifi, cleaning & utilities included...plus so much more! 7

The utilities included in your monthly rent include…

  • Water
  • Electricity
  • Heating
  • Air Conditioning (in Spain)
  • Wifi


Cleaning Supplies 

No matter what type of unit you are moving into, it will be cleaned and prepared before your move-in date. Plus, there is a weekly cleaning service included in your monthly rent. However, we also provide cleaning supplies for your own personal use, which includes…

  • Micro-fiber cleaning cloths 
  • Broom & dustpan 
  • Cleaning gloves 
  • Sponges 
  • Mop
  • Dishwasher soap
  • Window cleaner 
  • Foldable drying rack


Kitchen Appliances

Wifi, cleaning & utilities included...plus so much more!

Kitchen appliances can certainly be harder to find in your average apartment, but we’ve got you covered. The appliances we provide include…

  • Dishwasher (in Spain)
  • Washing Machine
  • Microwave
  • Oven & Stove
  • Fridge 
  • Freezer 
  • Toaster
  • Kettle
  • Blender


Kitchen Items

  • Full sized plates 
  • Small sized plates 
  • Bowls 
  • Different-sized salad bowls 
  • Cutlery 
  • Cutlery pot 
  • Cooking knives 
  • Drinking glasses 
  • Glass water bottle  
  • Wine glasses
  • Mugs 
  • Drying rack for dishes
  • Cutting boards 
  • Saucepans
  • Frying pans 
  • Baking sheets (small & large)
  • Knife peeler 
  • Cork table mat 
  • Fabric place mats 
  • Colander 
  • Bottle opener 
  • Cooking glove 
  • Cooking hot pad
  • Scissors (small & large)
  • Cheese grater 
  • Sets of Tupperware 
  • Whisk 
  • Italian coffee maker 
  • Tea infuser ball 
  • Tea towels 
  • 2 trash cans
  • 1 recycling bin

Living Room Furniture 


  • Dining table 
  • Chairs 
  • Floor lamp
  • Decor pillows 
  • Sofa 
  • Center table 
  • Wall shelf 
  • Carpet 
  • Framed art illustration
  • Curtains
  • Window blinds
  • Lamps with light bulbs 


Bedroom Items

Wifi, cleaning & utilities included...plus so much more! 5

  • A mattress
  • Mattress cover protector 
  • Headboard 
  • Bedside table 
  • Bedside lamp 
  • Wardrobe 
  • Wall shelf 
  • Frame with illustration 
  • Wall mirror 
  • Duvet 
  • Pillows 
  • Curtains 
  • Hangers 


Office Area 

Wifi, cleaning & utilities included...plus so much more! 1

  • Desk 
  • Chair 
  • Desk lamp


Bathroom Items

  • Toothbrush pot 
  • Wall hook 
  • Hand soap dispenser 
  • Mirror 
  • Small trash can 
  • Toilet paper holder 
  • Toilet brush 
  • Shower shelf


We hope that this comprehensive overview has clarified everything included in an Urban Campus coliving. While there are pros and cons to every style of living, having all of these amenities included in one single bill is certainly a considerable advantage. If you’re interested in seeing more detailed walk-throughs of our coliving spaces, explore our coliving tours on our YouTube Channel. 

Urban Campus takes pride in being more than just a rental property; we’re a community-focused living solution. At Urban Campus, our unwavering mission is to streamline your relocation process, allowing you to devote your energy to forging connections within your new community.

As demonstrated by our comprehensive list of amenities, we are fully prepared to cater to your requirements. The only question that remains is: are you ready to join us? 

Have you heard of coworking? 

In a world where work dynamics are frequently shifting, coworking has become a game-changer. In 2020, many of us became remote workers and enjoyed the flexibility of working from home. But as we slowly swapped suits for pajamas and office spaces for bedrooms, the value of office socialization became evident. On the other hand, the traditional routine of dressing up and commuting to an office Monday – Friday remains largely unappealing. The benefits of coworking spaces help solve this dilemma. Coworking blends these two worlds for a healthy balance of work autonomy and community. 


Why are coworking spaces important? 

The Benefits of Coworking Spaces

In its most basic definition, a coworking space is a neutral space where individuals from various professional backgrounds come together to work. Coworking spaces are havens for freelancers, digital nomads and remote workers. They also welcome employees whose companies opt for a flexible workspace. In the shared office, there are people from different companies and industries, fostering a vibrant cross-pollination of ideas and collaborations. Plus, coworking spaces often boast many shared amenities you’d find in a traditional office.


History of the coworking revolution

The Benefits of Coworking Spaces 1

The concept of coworking emerged in the early 2000s, offering freelancers a much-needed alternative to working from home or local cafes. Prior to this, the concept of coworking can be traced to “Hackerspaces” created in Berlin in the 1990s. These spaces were designed to welcome and foster work collaboration among different computer enthusiasts. 

The term “coworking” was officially coined by Bernard DeKoven in 1999, initially emphasizing a collaborative work approach rather than a physical space. In the following years, coworking spaces as we know them today started appearing in Vienna, Austria (2002), and San Francisco, USA (2005). Starting in 2006, the number of coworking spaces worldwide doubled annually, and this trend continued for seven years straight. 


What are the benefits of coworking spaces?

Many notable businesses like Instagram, Uber, and Spotify all had their beginnings in coworking environments. Now, in 2023, there are over 5 million coworkers and 19,000 coworking spaces globally. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of coworking spaces that have helped to fuel this rapid growth.


Coworking reduces loneliness  

The benefits of coworking spaces

Anyone who has worked completely remotely knows that loneliness can be a real challenge. One of the remarkable benefits of coworking spaces is the opportunity to build meaningful community. These spaces encourage professionals from various backgrounds to exchange ideas and build relationships beyond their own companies and fields. Working in a coworking space eliminates the solitude of a home office, and gives you potential for more professional connections and friendships. On average, 89% of members report being happier after joining a coworking space.  


Productivity and creativity

Coworking spaces have proven to be instrumental in boosting productivity, with a staggering 74% of coworkers reporting increased efficiency. This surge in productivity is attributed to the heightened social and collaborative atmosphere. Additionally, coworking spaces offer a greater degree of job control, allowing coworkers to tailor their work environment to suit their preferences. Whether it’s opting for a quiet, focused corner or a more social, interactive setting, coworking spaces empower professionals to customize their work experience. This ultimately contributes to enhanced productivity.


Business tools & support 

Coworking spaces offer many crucial resources that parallel those found in conventional office settings. These resources typically include meeting rooms and collaborative workspaces, plus fundamental tools like printers and copiers. Depending on the coworking space, you can also expect to find coffee makers, lockers, bike racks, community managers, and sometimes special features like meditation rooms and creative studios. These tools are a cost-effective solution for freelancers and digital nomads who often lack access to essential work resources. 


Hotspots for collaboration & networking opportunities  

Coworking spaces are dynamic hubs for collaboration and networking opportunities. These spaces foster an environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds can all interact, fueling opportunities for connection, ideation, and meaningful relationships. With professionals working on a wide range of projects and ventures, coworking spaces naturally facilitate networking. It is easier to to create fresh ideas, foster collaborations, and even ignite new career possibilities.


Coworking with Urban Campus 

If you’re intrigued by the concept of coworking, explore our Urban Campus spaces.

At Urban Campus, we offer premium coliving spaces, each featuring an integrated coworking area. This coworking facility is seamlessly included in your rental package, alongside an array of communal amenities, including lounges, terraces, shared kitchens, and fitness centers. You have the flexibility to choose from a variety of private accommodations, whether it’s rooms, studios, or apartments, all while enjoying social environments of our shared spaces. Moreover, we host weekly events to facilitate socializing and community-building, helping you get connected with a supportive community.


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  • All external photos used through Canva Free Media License