
Urban Campus Impact Report 2024

It’s that time of year again! 

We are thrilled to present our 2024 Urban Campus Impact Report! 

Each year, we summarize our key achievements in an annual Impact Report, highlighting improvements in coliver satisfaction, changes in our client base, and our continued geographic and product expansion. Let’s take a look at the significant milestones we achieved this past year.


Urban Campus: Growth & Innovation

Urban Campus Impact Report 2024 - let's take a look!

Just in case you’re new here, let’s do a quick catch-up. 

Founded in 2016 in Paris, Urban Campus was born from a vision to redefine urban living, emphasizing community, convenience, and innovation. Our journey goes a little something like this: 

  • 2018: Inauguration of our first coliving space in Spain
  • 2023: Expansion to 10 operational sites across Spain and France
  • 2024: Over 30 projects currently in development across Europe, a testament to our original commitment of revolutionizing urban living on a large-scale. 


Demographics: Our Diverse Community

Urban Campus Impact Report 2024 - let's take a look!

Our coliving spaces remain popular amongst young professionals, attracting a diverse group of residents:

Average Age: 35 years old, consistent with previous years. 

Living Arrangements:

  • 87% of our tenants now live alone, which represents a +14% increase in solo living preferences compared last year.

Resident Demographics:

  • International residents: 49%
  • National residents: 51%
  • This nearly even split enriches our communities with diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Professional Backgrounds:

  • Company employees: 71%
  • Entrepreneurs: 6%
  • Freelancers: 6%
  • Other: 17%
  • These figures highlight the varied professional landscapes of our residents.


Convenience and Community

The primary appeal of Urban Campus lies in our flexible leases and all-inclusive services, with fully furnished, ready-to-move-in units. This hassle-free approach has greatly attracted residents, with 86% reporting increased happiness and 70% enjoying a healthier lifestyle post-move-in. Moreover, 60% of our residents envision continuing their journey with us into future life stages.

  • #1 Reason to Choose Urban Campus: Convenience
  • #2 Reason to Choose Urban Campus: Community


Community: The Heart of Urban Campus

Urban Campus Impact Report 2024 - let's take a look!

Community remains a cornerstone of the Urban Campus experience, with 92% of residents participating in monthly events and 73% experiencing increased social interactions. Our efforts to nurture this community spirit include robust onboarding for campus managers and leveraging modern technology to enhance resident interactions and feedback. These initiatives have led to a 20% increase in resident-led activities and improved satisfaction rates.

What does the Urban Campus community embody? 

At the heart of our community are the diverse and vibrant Urban Campus events, designed to foster connections and enrich the coliving experience. We also empower our colivers to take the lead by providing them with the resources and budget necessary to launch their own clubs and initiatives. Examples include the UC Madrid Horseback Riding Club and the Women’s Circle Empowerment Club. Additionally, we have dedicated Campus Managers in each of our cities who organize official UC events, from magic shows and cocktail nights to private concerts.

Community Across Our Cities

In cities with multiple coliving spaces, such as Madrid, Spain, and Lille, France, our community extends beyond individual buildings. We connect all Urban Campus colivers within the city, creating a broad, integrated network that enhances the sense of belonging and community engagement for everyone involved.


Sustainability: A Core Principle

Sustainability and environmental responsibility remain at the core of everything we do. 

Our commitment to sustainability is evident in our approach to refurbishing old buildings and employing sustainable construction practices. Some highlights in the past year include: 

  • BREEAM Certifications: Our Ayora, Valencia, and Mellado, Madrid Colivings are both proud holders of the BREEAM certification. BREEAM is a leading global sustainability assessment method, setting the standard for best practices in sustainable building design, construction, and operation. 
  • Passivhaus Certification: Our upcoming Cuatro Caminos #2 coliving in Madrid is being constructed according to the rigorous Passivhaus standard. This internationally recognized certification ensures buildings meet strict energy efficiency criteria, significantly reducing their ecological footprint while providing superior comfort and indoor air quality for residents.
  • Carbon Neutrality: The Cuatro Caminos #2 Coliving will also be our inaugural “Carbon Neutral” building. This milestone is achieved through the strategic acquisition of certified carbon credits, demonstrating our proactive approach to combating climate change and our dedication to achieving sustainability goals across our properties.


Looking Ahead: Expansion Beyond Coliving

Impact Report 2024 de Urban Campus: ¡Echemos un vistazo!

As Urban Campus evolves, we are diversifying beyond coliving with new concepts and housing solutions. 

Flex Living in Spain

We are exploring opportunities for “Flex Living” in Spain. In the first half of 2023 alone, Flex Living secured the second-highest investment volume in the living segments market, totaling a staggering €240 million. This model is similar to coliving, offering flexible lease terms and adaptable living spaces but with more frequent resident rotation.

Affordable Housing in France

In France, we’re implementing Affordable Multifamily housing solutions that combine cost-effectiveness with our core values of community and sustainability. These developments feature modern amenities and designs that support a community-focused lifestyle while addressing the urgent need for affordable housing in France. Our first projects will take place in Le Bourget and Colombes, in partnership with in’li.  


That’s a Wrap! 

The 2024 Impact Report not only reflects Urban Campus’s growth and innovation but also reinforces our commitment to our core values of enhancing urban living through community and sustainability. As we look to the future, we are excited about the opportunities to deepen our impact and continue providing exceptional living experiences for our diverse, vibrant community of residents.

Want to read the report yourself? 





























Looking for a place in Madrid?

Check out our coliving spaces located all throughout the city!




You only need your toothbrush!

Our rentals come fully furnished and equipped, plus wifi, cleaning and flexible leases.




Find your ideal living space

We offer everything from cozy private rooms to expansive apartments.

Say hello to Villeneuve-d’Ascq!

Situated in the Hauts-de-France region and part of the bustling Lille metropolitan area, Villeneuve-d’Ascq offers a fantastic blend of cutting-edge tech parks, expansive green spaces, and a vibrant arts and sports scene. Whether you’re a local or just visiting, there’s no shortage of things to enjoy.

First, let’s take a look at the 5 most popular areas along with the best things to do in Villeneuve-d’Ascq! 


1. Annappes

Things to do in Villeneuve-d’Ascq

Annappes is one of the oldest districts in Villeneuve-d’Ascq, offering a charming blend of historic charm and close-knit community life. It has a traditional market square and frequent local festivals, making it a lively area to explore.

  • Visit the Marché d’Annappes: Experience the local culture at the bustling Marché d’Annappes held in the historic town square. You can find fresh produce, local delicacies, and handmade crafts.
  • Explore Local Cafés and Boutiques: Spend a leisurely day exploring quaint cafés and boutiques that line the charming streets of Annappes. These small businesses offer a variety of local goods and cozy spots to relax. Here are some recommendations:

                  – Café de la Place: An intimate café perfect for a morning coffee or pastry.

                  – La Petite Boutique: A quirky shop with handcrafted goods and local souvenirs.

                  – Le Petit Comptoir: A charming bistro that serves top-notch local cuisine.

  • Attend a Festival at Place de la République: Join one of the many festivals in this central square throughout the year. These events are a great way to experience local culture and community spirit.


2. Flers

Things to do in Villeneuve-d’Ascq

Flers is a predominantly residential area known for its historical sites and serene green spaces. It offers a peaceful setting, plus a beautifully restored historic castle that is definitely worth a visit. 

  • Tour the Château de Flers: Immerse yourself in the history and architecture of this beautifully restored castle and its scenic park. Guided tours are available, offering a deep dive into the château’s fascinating past.
  • Relax in Parc du Château de Flers: Take a peaceful stroll or enjoy a picnic in the expansive grounds surrounding the château. The park is ideal for a leisurely day spent wandering in nature.
  • Visit the Galerie d’Art de Flers: Explore a diverse range of artworks, including contemporary paintings, sculptures, and photography, all by local artists. The gallery regularly hosts exhibitions that highlight the evolving art scene of Villeneuve-d’Ascq, providing a glimpse into the area’s creative talent.


3. Ascq

Things to do in Villeneuve-d’Ascq

Ascq is a district that blends its profound historical significance with a strong sense of community and resilience. Particularly known for its important memorial sites, Ascq offers through-provoking tributes and monuments within its charming village setting. 

  • Ascq Memorial Museum: Pay respects and learn about the local history at the museum dedicated to the victims of the Ascq massacre. This museum provides an in-depth look at the events of World War II and their impact on the surrounding community.
  • Stroll Through the Historic Village: Walk through the old village of Ascq, enjoying its beautifully preserved architecture and calming atmosphere. 
  • Participate in the Commemoration Events: Join the annual events that commemorate the village’s history and community resilience. These events are a meaningful way to connect with the local culture and history.


4. Haute-Borne

Things to do in Villeneuve-d’Ascq

Haute-Borne is known as an economic hub, housing many technology companies and startups. It is a busier and more modern area, with a focus on innovation and education.

  • Visit the Science and Technology Park: Engage with cutting-edge innovations and educational exhibits in this hub of technological development. The park is home to numerous tech companies and research institutions.
  • Network at a Startup Event: Attend one of the many conferences or workshops aimed at fostering innovation and business growth. These events are great opportunities to connect with entrepreneurs and industry leaders.
  • Enjoy Modern Dining: Try out some contemporary cuisine at the trendy restaurants in Haute-Borne. The area offers a variety of dining options that reflect its innovative, young vibe.


5. Pont-de-Bois

Pont-de-Bois is known for its educational institutions and exciting student life! Home to the University of Lille, it is an engaging area filled with many academic and cultural activities.

  • Explore the University of Lille Campus: Take a tour of the campus, brimming with vibrant student life and gorgeous architecture. 
  • Attend a University Lecture or Event: Check out a public lecture, exhibition, or performance! The university regularly offers events that are open to the public and cover a wide range of topics.
  • Visit the Forum des Sciences: Ideal for families, this science museum offers interactive exhibits on various topics including astronomy, biology, and technology. 


Cultural and Recreational Activities

In addition to its distinct neighborhoods and key attractions, Villeneuve-d’Ascq boasts a fantastic cultural and recreational scene. The city hosts a variety of events and festivals throughout the year, celebrating everything from music and dance to food and art. 

Outdoor enthusiasts can take advantage of the numerous parks and green spaces, such as Parc du Héron and Lac du Héron, which offer opportunities for hiking, cycling, and water sports. For those interested in live sports, the Stadium Lille Métropole regularly hosts football matches and athletic events. The diverse Villeneuve-d’Ascq region truly offers something for everyone, no matter your interests or what activities you’re looking to enjoy.


Photo Credits:

  • All photos used through the Canva Free Media License






















Looking for a place in Lille?

Check out our coliving spaces located throughout the city!




You only need your toothbrush!

Our rentals come fully furnished & equipped, plus wifi, cleaning and flexible leases.




Find your ideal living space

We offer everything from cozy shared rentals to expansive private studios.

Affordable Housing Solutions in France

France’s housing market is facing serious challenges, with rising costs and a limited supply of suitable housing options. As property prices and living expenses continue to climb, there’s a rapidly growing need for affordable housing solutions.

At Urban Campus, we’ve seen these issues firsthand and are committed to being part of the solution. Our background in creating community-focused living spaces has driven us to develop housing solutions that are affordable and holistically improve the lives of urban residents.

Let’s take a closer look at how our new affordable housing solutions will help to create a more balanced and inclusive market in France.


The State of Affordable Housing in France

Affordable Housing Solutions in France: Urban Campus’ Newest Initiatives 2

First, let’s take a look at the current housing situation in France.

  • High Costs and Limited Supply: Persistent issues of high costs and limited housing availability, particularly in urban areas, continue to strain the French housing market.
  • Interest Rate Spike in 2022: The affordability crisis was exacerbated when interest rates sharply increased in 2022, putting additional pressure on potential homeowners and renters.
  • Rising Homelessness: Over 330,000 individuals in France are homeless as of 2021, a significant increase from 143,000 in 2012, highlighting the growing severity of the housing crisis.
  • Widespread Poverty: More than 9 million people lived below the poverty line in 2021, demonstrating widespread economic challenges.
  • Social Housing Backlog: Approximately 2.4 million households are on the waiting list for social housing, yet only 3% of these applicants are deemed eligible due to stringent criteria.


What is Intermediate Rental Housing?

Affordable Housing Solutions in France: Urban Campus’ Newest Initiatives 1

Intermediate rental housing, or “logement locatif intermédiaire” is a housing model that emerged as a response to the growing divide in the housing market. It aims to serve a demographic that falls between the typical beneficiaries of social housing and those who can comfortably afford market rates. This segment includes middle-income earners, often referred to as the “missing middle,” who earn too much to qualify for social housing but not enough to compete in the increasingly expensive private rental sector. 

In many European countries, including France, the concept of Intermediate rental housing has been developed to address this gap. It’s more than just a temporary solution; it’s a strategic way to offer more housing choices and promote social integration. By offering rents that are approximately 10-15% below the market rate, IRH makes living in urban centers more accessible to those who might otherwise be priced out of these areas.

Intermediate Rental Housing in France

In recent years, the importance of IRH in France has become increasingly recognized amidst escalating housing prices and urban gentrification. The French government and private developers have both taken steps to promote this type of housing:

  • Legislative Support: Various legislative measures have been introduced to encourage the development of IRH. These include tax incentives for developers and simplified zoning laws to expedite the construction process.
  • Local Initiatives: Some regions and cities have implemented local initiatives to incorporate IRH into their urban planning strategies. For example, cities like Paris have allocated specific quotas of new developments to be designated as intermediate rental housing.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: There has been an increase in partnerships between public entities and private developers to fund and manage IRH projects. 
  • Market Response: The market has responded positively to IRH, with a growing number of developers recognizing the potential for stable returns on investment through socially responsible development practices.


Urban Campus’ Role in Pioneering Affordable Housing Solutions

Affordable Housing Solutions in France: Urban Campus’ Newest Initiatives 5

At Urban Campus, we have recognized the pressing need for affordable housing solutions and have positioned ourselves at the forefront of addressing this challenge. Our approach involves more than merely providing housing; it’s about creating vibrant, sustainable communities that holistically enhance the lives of their residents.

Innovative Housing Projects and Community Integration

Our projects integrate affordable housing with high-quality living environments, specifically designed to meet the dynamic needs of modern urban dwellers. By developing managed intermediate housing and service-oriented residences, we cater to a broad spectrum of the population who seek both affordability and quality. Romain Crépel, our Director of Urban Campus in France, emphasized this strategy, stating, “Our mission is not only to provide a roof but also to create environments where people can truly live well and connect with others.”

Tailored Living Solutions

Each Urban Campus residence is meticulously designed to promote flexibility and a sense of community. Our residences feature shared coworking spaces, which cater to the growing number of remote workers and freelancers looking for a productive and collaborative work environment outside of a traditional office. Fitness centers and communal kitchens are also standard, providing spaces where residents can take care of their health and share meals, fostering strong communal bonds.

Cost-Effective Community Living

These shared amenities are more than just conveniences; they represent a fundamental shift towards a shared economy in housing. By pooling resources, our residents can enjoy higher-quality facilities at a lower cost than they would manage individually. “The integration of these communal spaces is key to reducing living costs while enhancing the quality of life,” Romain noted in a recent interview. “It’s about smart living where costs are shared, and every square meter is optimized for maximum utility and comfort.”

Sustainable and Socially Responsible Approaches

Sustainability is at the core of our operations at Urban Campus. We believe in building not just for today, but for the future. Our designs incorporate eco-friendly materials and technologies, reducing the environmental impact of our buildings and promoting long-term sustainability. Moreover, by fostering socially integrated communities, we are actively contributing to the social fabric of the cities we operate in. As Romain notes, “Urban Campus is not just about building homes, it’s about crafting ecosystems that thrive on mutual support and collective well-being.”


The Growth and Expansion of Urban Campus

As Urban Campus continues to grow, we are proud to build upon our successful operations in coliving, now expanding our horizons into multifamily units, flex living, and affordable housing initiatives. Our journey began with revolutionizing coliving spaces, where we crafted communities centered around shared experiences and mutual respect. Today, we are taking that expertise and applying it to a broader range of housing solutions, each designed to meet diverse needs and lifestyles while upholding our commitment to social responsibility.

Our expansion is driven by a vision where everyone has access to affordable, quality housing that enhances community and personal well-being. We are dedicated to innovating in ways that respect both the environment and the communities we serve, ensuring that as we grow, we also uphold high standards of social responsibility. This commitment is not just a part of our business model; it’s at the heart of every project we undertake, guiding us to make a meaningful impact in the cities we touch. 

Read more about our Affordable Housing Solutions in France


Photo Credits: 

  • Photos 1 & 2 used through Canva Free Media License






















Looking for a place in Lille?

Check out our coliving spaces located throughout the city!




You only need your toothbrush!

Our rentals come fully furnished & equipped, plus wifi, cleaning and flexible leases.




Find your ideal living space

We offer everything from cozy shared rentals to expansive private studios.

Urban Campus is rapidly expanding their portfolio of innovative housing solutions. 

In the ever-evolving landscape of urban development, Urban Campus has emerged as a pivotal force. The company is fundamentally transforming the essence of city living. Founded in 2016, Urban Campus has established itself as more than just a housing provider. It is a community builder, crafting coliving spaces that foster connection and growth among young professionals across France and Spain.

Maxime Armand, Urban Campus COO and Co-Founder, recently sat down with Le Figaro to illuminate this journey. He spotlights how Urban Campus’s unique approach—merging private units with state-of-the-art common spaces—has not only redefined residential living but has also catered to the modern needs for flexibility and social integration. This model has proven successful, challenging traditional living arrangements and responding to the growing trend of remote work and urban isolation.


More than just Coliving

innovative housing solutions

However, Urban Campus’s operations are extending beyond coliving. Throughout 2024, the company is set to triple its portfolio. In addition to coliving, they will be introducing multifamily complexes and LLI affordable housing. In this way, Urban Campus is quickly broadening its reach to encompass multi-generational residents. This expansion is rooted in the company’s unwavering pillars of affordability, quality, and community spirit, aiming to make urban living accessible and enriching for a wider demographic.


The Foundation of Urban Campus

Must Do's if you Live in Lille, France

The foundation of Urban Campus is built on addressing the challenges of high living costs, social isolation, and the absence of a supportive community in cities. By blending private and shared spaces, Urban Campus has created environments where individuals can thrive personally and collectively. They promote a lifestyle that values mutual support and shared experiences.

As urban landscapes continue to evolve, Urban Campus is not merely adapting but leading the change. They are focused on ensuring this growth encompasses inclusivity and sustainability. The companies exisiting residencies are testaments to the transformative power of innovative housing solutions. With each new opening, Urban Campus proves that cities can indeed become places of rich community and inclusivity.


The Way of the Future

innovative housing solutions

Through continued expansion and commitment to addressing the diverse needs of urban dwellers, Urban Campus stands as a model for future urban living solutions. Maxime Armand’s insights from the Le Figaro interview not only highlight the company’s past achievements but also pave the way for its future endeavors. They continue to focus on creating vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive urban environments for everyone to enjoy.

Keep an eye on Urban Campus as we proudly expand our portfolio. From our new Avenida America, Madrid Coliving to our novel La Maillerie, Lille Coliving coming in the summer of 2024, we’re not just growing — we’re evolving. Our strides into multifamily and affordable housing further showcase our commitment to diverse, quality urban living. We’re not just building spaces; we’re creating the future of city living. Stay connected for more developments!


Watch the full interview…HERE!

March 1, 2024

Read the full article HERE.

  • The 2024 finance law in France signifies a paradigm shift by focusing on affordable housing, creating a legislative framework that benefits both citizens and investors while fostering social inclusion.
  • Urban Campus is actively involved in shaping policies to ensure access to affordable and sustainable housing, offering services and rentals at fixed prices.
  • The French initiative could serve as a model for Spain, suggesting a collaboration between the public and private sectors to solve the housing crisis.


Progress in the Affordable Housing Sector in France

The future of urban living and affordable housing

Ana Martínez, the Chief Operations Officer for Iberia at Urban Campus, discusses the impact of the new housing law in France, highlighting how this legislation brings significant changes to the sector by emphasizing affordable housing and social inclusion. The law benefits not just French citizens but also investors committed to the affordable housing sector.

Urban Campus plays a significant role in this transformation, working with lawmakers to develop policies that not only facilitate housing access but also promote sustainability. By adopting an approach focused on shared economy, Urban Campus is redefining the concept of urban community through projects that offer included services such as Wi-Fi, gyms, and coworking areas. These are also part of their “Build to Rent” schemes, located in places such as Colombes and Le Bourget.


Affordable Housing in Spain

The future of urban living and affordable housing

This approach contrasts with the situation in Spain, where despite efforts, there is still room for improvement in collaboration between the public and private sectors to address the housing crisis. The French legislation could inspire new legislation in Spain, promoting a collaborative model that benefits all involved parties.

Urban Campus’s strategy, aligned with ESG principles, proposes eco-friendly buildings and housing that not only meet current needs but also set a standard for the future of urban housing. This combined with their sharp insight towards the ever-changing needs of urban dwellers is marking a new paradigm in the European real estate sector.

Want to read more about Urban Campus? 

January 30th, 2024

  • Urban Campus is set to open La Maillerie, Lille Coliving in summer 2024.
  • This new construction venture is supported by Nhood (real estate provider) and Batipart (investor).
  • The La Maillerie coliving marks Urban Campus’ largest coliving project, with a total of 121 units.
  • The building features a unique design of shared cluster units in cozy, standard, or premium categories.

We are expanding in Lille! 

Urban Campus is thrilled to announce the continued progress of the La Maillerie Coliving venture in Lille, set to open in the summer of 2024. This innovative coliving development, in partnership with Nhood and Batipart, has been meticulously designed from the ground up to embody the essence of coliving. The building will offer 121 units, making it Urban Campus’ largest coliving space to date.

La Maillerie, Lille Coliving coming in summer 2024


Urban Campus La Maillerie, Lille Coliving 

The La Maillerie, Lille Coliving will have a distinctive design featuring cluster units. These units are crafted to balance private and communal living, offering residents their own private bedrooms alongside sleek, shared common areas. Also, future colivers will have the choice of cozy, standard, and premium living options. Each category offers different amenities and modern layouts. 

Urban Campus has always been committed to providing exceptional common spaces for community-building and connection. This project is no different, including state-of-the-art common zones like:

  • Coworking Space
  • Gym
  • Cinema Room
  • Event Space
  • Lounge
  • Shared Kitchen
  • Expansive Terraces
  • Patio


La Mallerie in Villeneuve-d’Ascq

La Maillerie, Lille Coliving coming in summer 2024!

La Maillerie is a historic district undergoing a vibrant transformation. It is nestled in the tranquil Villeneuve-d’Ascq region of Lille. This rapidly developing area is becoming a hub for professional opportunities, thanks to its proximity to the headquarters of major corporations like Auchan, Bonduelle, and Leroy Merlin

The area is also home to universities and specialized schools, including the prestigious EDHEC Business School Campus. This blend of industrial growth and educational excellence makes La Maillerie an ideal place for professional development and networking.

Additionally, the neighborhood is a haven for nature lovers and cultural enthusiasts. The region boasts extensive green spaces, including the Parc du Héron nature reserve. Furthermore, the culinary scene is vibrant, highlighted by the internationally recognized Les Halles Biltoki food market. This renowned market is a central spot in the neighborhood, and is conveniently located less than 5 minutes from our new coliving. 

La Maillerie is ideally situated at the crossroads of the Croix and Villeneuve-d’Ascq areas, offering a perfect blend of local charm and convenience. The location also provides access to the lively city center of Lille. 


Urban Campus: Expanding and Growing

La Maillerie, Lille Coliving coming in summer 2024!

The launch of La Maillerie is a significant milestone in the ongoing expansion and growth of Urban Campus. Our vision is to revolutionize the concept of urban living, and this venture is a leap forward in that direction.

Above all, we are dedicated to creating innovative living spaces that adapt to the evolving needs of the modern world. This new venture is a pivotal step in our mission to broaden our reach across France. It is a symbol of our growing commitment to enhancing urban life through innovative living solutions.

Explore more: 


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Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

Urban Campus has officially announced the opening of a new coliving space: Urban Campus Avenida América, Madrid Coliving!

  • This is a new operation in partnership with the French group Batipart.
  • The new coliving space is scheduled to open in March 2024.
  • With this project, Urban Campus plans to end 2023 operating more than 406 units in Spain.


Urban Campus Avenida América, Madrid Coliving 

Urban Campus announces new Avenida América, Madrid coliving 1

Real estate leader Urban Campus continues its expansion with the opening of a new coliving space in Madrid, named “Urban Campus Avenida América, Madrid Coliving.”

This project will be the company’s sixth coliving in Madrid, located at 23 Béjar Street. It includes 54 units and more than 2,042 square meters with modernly designed rooms, studios, and common areas. The coliving is scheduled to open its doors in March 2024.

Consistent with the ethos of Urban Campus’ coliving spaces, the Avenida de América residence is designed to provide an immersive community-focused living experience. It will feature a array of accommodation options, from private rooms to expansive studios. 

The building also boasts over 105 square meters of space of common zones, embodying the signature Urban Campus experience. These common areas will be comprised of a coworking space, fitness center, communal kitchen, internal patio, and multiple terraces. Plus, there will be dedicated bicycle parking.



Urban Campus announces new Avenida América, Madrid coliving 3

Committed to sustainability, Urban Campus has redesigned and optimized the building to conserve energy and resources. They used furniture for both the common areas and rooms from locally certified ESG brands, including recycled materials and FSC-certified or recycled woods. 

Additionally, the common areas will be equipped with automatic sensors that modulate lighting and air conditioning. This will help promote resource conservation and reduce the building’s environmental footprint.


The Growth of Urban Campus

Urban Campus announces new Avenida América, Madrid coliving 4

The inauguration of Urban Campus’s Avenida América location represents a significant milestone in the company’s expansion journey. Urban Campus has set its sights on concluding 2023 with a substantial portfolio of 406 units under operation. This achievement paves the way for an impressive growth projection, which is forecasted to exceed 200% for the upcoming year of 2024.

With the execution of this new coliving space, Urban Campus also continues to strengthen its relationship with Batipart. Batipart has acted as the investor and promoter for this new building, while Urban Campus is developing the design and will manage its daily operation after opening.


Urban Campus announces new Avenida América, Madrid coliving

Casilda Mulliez, Head of Business Development – Iberia, highlighted: “This new operation represents a significant step in implementing our strategic plan. It will allow us to end 2023 achieving our goal of operating more than 406 beds. We are proud of our sustained growth, and continue to listen to the service and design needs of our residents. This has also helped position us as leaders in terms of the average length of stays, which already exceed 12 months.”


Explore more Urban Campus news here: 

September 14th, 2023

  • In Interiors writes about Urban Campus’ expertise in Build-to-Rent (BTR) real estate, reflecting on the general growth of coliving and BTR opportunities. 


What is Build-to-Rent?

Build-to-Rent (BTR) is an Anglo-Saxon concept that spans much broader than just coliving. Urban Campus, founded in 2016 and with current operations in France and Spain, specializes in BTR. Build-to-Rent involves an investor purchasing an entire building for rental purposes and entrusting its management to a professional operator, like Urban Campus. BTR buildings typically include some form of private living spaces, ranging from shared rooms to one-bedroom or two-bedroom units. They also offer various shared spacious and optional services tailored to different target demographics.

Build-to-Rent differs from coliving in several ways. In coliving, rent typically includes utilities, internet, and cleaning services. Build-to-rent apartments may not always be furnished, and the services tend to be more varied. BTR complexes still feature shared amenities like coworking spaces, communal kitchens, fitness rooms, and game rooms. In both cases, common spaces are accessible to residents without the need for reservations or additional payments, creating a unique blend of private and shared living experiences.


Advantages of Build-to-Rent Real Estate

In Interiors and Urban Campus discuss Build-to-Rent Real Estate

Maxime Armand, co-founder and director of operations at Urban Campus, emphasizes the benefits of BTR. Some advantages include well-designed apartments with essential amenities, simplified daily living, convenient services, and a strong sense of community. He also discusses Urban Campus’s ambition to create residential products that cater to a wider audience, building upon their current expertise in France and Spain.

Urban Campus is actively working on several Build-to-Rent projects in collaboration with real estate partners and investors. These projects include apartment complexes with various unit sizes, shared spaces, and additional amenities. Urban Campus aims to expand its portfolio to manage approximately thirty residences by 2026.

Read the original article from In Interiors here.

September 6th, 2023

  • Urban Campus announces the opening of Cuatro Caminos II for 2024. This project is the second phase of the Cuatro Caminos Madrid Coliving, already operated by Urban Campus and located on Topete Street.
  • This new coliving meets significant sustainability benchmarks. The project is build in alignment with the passivhaus standard, is carbon neutral, and will serve as a renewable energy producer. 
  • Cuatro Caminos II will be the first coliving space with a wooden structural framework in all of Spain. 
  • The developer and investor is the French group Batipart.


Cuatro Caminos II

Urban Campus announces the opening of Cuatro Caminos II

Urban Campus, in partnership with Batipart, continues their leadership in the coliving space.

They are embarking on an innovative venture, constructing the very first coliving space with a wooden structural framework in all of Spain. Situated in the vibrant Tetuán district of Madrid, Cuatro Caminos II Madrid Coliving represents a significant step forward in the field of coliving, championing environmental sustainability and resource efficiency. This project is the second phase of the Cuatro Caminos Madrid Coliving, already operated by Urban Campus and located on Topete Street.

Cuatro Caminos II Madrid Coliving will span approximately 1,825 square meters with 32 units (rooms in clusters), each equipped with private bathrooms, shared kitchens and lounges. Residents will enjoy an array of amenities characteristic of Urban Campus coliving spaces. These include coworking zones, fitness facilities, a shared kitchen, an interior courtyard, terraces, and bicycle parking.


Leadership in Carbon Neutral Emissions

Efficiency and sustainability are at the heart of Urban Campus’s mission, and this project exemplifies their commitment. Many of the company’s buildings already hold prestigious sustainability certifications like BREEAM. However, Cuatro Caminos II Madrid Coliving stands out as their first project featuring a wooden structural framework, marking a pioneering achievement in Spain’s coliving landscape.

Furthermore, this coliving facility will be constructed in line with the Passivhaus standard and will achieve carbon neutrality, resulting in an impressive 80% reduction in energy consumption for its residents. The building will even serve as a renewable energy producer, generating 20 kWp of photovoltaic power. Notably, excess renewable energy will partially supply the neighboring building, the first phase of the coliving project, which is already operational. Thanks to its wooden structure and high-efficiency measures, the building will hold a CO2-neutral certification throughout its lifecycle.


The Growth of Urban Campus

Casilda Mulliez, head of Real Estate and Business Development at Urban Campus, expressed the importance of this project. “This new project is a significant reflection of Urban Campus’s strategic direction: leading new residential models that are not only efficient but also sustainable. We are one of the largest coliving operators and leaders in carbon-neutral assets, positioning us as a market reference.”

This is a collaborative project in which several actors are involved. Batipart, as developer and investor; sAtt, as architectural firm and Artelia as Project Manager, among others. Urban Campus has already participated in the development of the coliving architecturally and will participate in the design and conceptualization of the interior. They will also be in charge of managing the building.

Cuatro Caminos Madrid Coliving Phase I is already operational, while construction has commenced on the second building. The grand opening of Cuatro Caminos II Madrid Coliving is scheduled for the last quarter of 2024.

July 20th, 2023

  • Casilda Mulliez & Urbanitae discuss the growth of coliving while she reflects on Urban Campus’ recent expansion and future plans.

The interview discusses the growing popularity of coliving as a housing trend in Spain. Coliving involves residents sharing common spaces and living in a community, providing an alternative to traditional residential rentals. Urban Campus is dedicated to creating and managing coliving buildings, emerging in 2016 to address the changing needs of younger generations who prioritize digital services and community living.


Urban Campus in Valencia

Urban Campus manages several coliving buildings in European cities, including Lille, France and multiple locations in Madrid. The company recently launched its first greenfield coliving building in Valencia, Spain with support from White Investing and Batipart. This building features 41 studios with shared amenities such as a gym, coworking spaces, and a rooftop terrace. The coliving model is targeted at young professionals, and Urban Campus offers a variety of inclusive services, creating a comfortable and welcoming community for long-term stays.


The Concept of Coliving

The coliving concept aims to add value to rental housing by offering fully furnished, turnkey solutions with quality standards and shared spaces. For investors, coliving provides a stable return similar to residential assets, but with an additional market premium that makes it appealing. The coliving market is still relatively new in Spain and Europe, with various players and different concepts being explored.

Urban Campus plans to expand its presence in Spain by considering projects in Barcelona and Malaga, while also exploring opportunities in other cities like Palma de Mallorca and Bilbao. The profile of colivers is typically young professionals between the ages of 25 and 40, both Spanish and international, who prefer the coliving option for its community-focused living experience.

Overall, coliving it is still a relatively small market compared to traditional residential rentals in Spain and Europe. However, it is seen as a positive development in the real estate industry, offering an improved rental experience and attracting investors due to its stable returns and market appeal. 

Read the full interview here.