
Urban Campus Impact Report 2024

It’s that time of year again! 

We are thrilled to present our 2024 Urban Campus Impact Report! 

Each year, we summarize our key achievements in an annual Impact Report, highlighting improvements in coliver satisfaction, changes in our client base, and our continued geographic and product expansion. Let’s take a look at the significant milestones we achieved this past year.


Urban Campus: Growth & Innovation

Urban Campus Impact Report 2024 - let's take a look!

Just in case you’re new here, let’s do a quick catch-up. 

Founded in 2016 in Paris, Urban Campus was born from a vision to redefine urban living, emphasizing community, convenience, and innovation. Our journey goes a little something like this: 

  • 2018: Inauguration of our first coliving space in Spain
  • 2023: Expansion to 10 operational sites across Spain and France
  • 2024: Over 30 projects currently in development across Europe, a testament to our original commitment of revolutionizing urban living on a large-scale. 


Demographics: Our Diverse Community

Urban Campus Impact Report 2024 - let's take a look!

Our coliving spaces remain popular amongst young professionals, attracting a diverse group of residents:

Average Age: 35 years old, consistent with previous years. 

Living Arrangements:

  • 87% of our tenants now live alone, which represents a +14% increase in solo living preferences compared last year.

Resident Demographics:

  • International residents: 49%
  • National residents: 51%
  • This nearly even split enriches our communities with diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Professional Backgrounds:

  • Company employees: 71%
  • Entrepreneurs: 6%
  • Freelancers: 6%
  • Other: 17%
  • These figures highlight the varied professional landscapes of our residents.


Convenience and Community

The primary appeal of Urban Campus lies in our flexible leases and all-inclusive services, with fully furnished, ready-to-move-in units. This hassle-free approach has greatly attracted residents, with 86% reporting increased happiness and 70% enjoying a healthier lifestyle post-move-in. Moreover, 60% of our residents envision continuing their journey with us into future life stages.

  • #1 Reason to Choose Urban Campus: Convenience
  • #2 Reason to Choose Urban Campus: Community


Community: The Heart of Urban Campus

Urban Campus Impact Report 2024 - let's take a look!

Community remains a cornerstone of the Urban Campus experience, with 92% of residents participating in monthly events and 73% experiencing increased social interactions. Our efforts to nurture this community spirit include robust onboarding for campus managers and leveraging modern technology to enhance resident interactions and feedback. These initiatives have led to a 20% increase in resident-led activities and improved satisfaction rates.

What does the Urban Campus community embody? 

At the heart of our community are the diverse and vibrant Urban Campus events, designed to foster connections and enrich the coliving experience. We also empower our colivers to take the lead by providing them with the resources and budget necessary to launch their own clubs and initiatives. Examples include the UC Madrid Horseback Riding Club and the Women’s Circle Empowerment Club. Additionally, we have dedicated Campus Managers in each of our cities who organize official UC events, from magic shows and cocktail nights to private concerts.

Community Across Our Cities

In cities with multiple coliving spaces, such as Madrid, Spain, and Lille, France, our community extends beyond individual buildings. We connect all Urban Campus colivers within the city, creating a broad, integrated network that enhances the sense of belonging and community engagement for everyone involved.


Sustainability: A Core Principle

Sustainability and environmental responsibility remain at the core of everything we do. 

Our commitment to sustainability is evident in our approach to refurbishing old buildings and employing sustainable construction practices. Some highlights in the past year include: 

  • BREEAM Certifications: Our Ayora, Valencia, and Mellado, Madrid Colivings are both proud holders of the BREEAM certification. BREEAM is a leading global sustainability assessment method, setting the standard for best practices in sustainable building design, construction, and operation. 
  • Passivhaus Certification: Our upcoming Cuatro Caminos #2 coliving in Madrid is being constructed according to the rigorous Passivhaus standard. This internationally recognized certification ensures buildings meet strict energy efficiency criteria, significantly reducing their ecological footprint while providing superior comfort and indoor air quality for residents.
  • Carbon Neutrality: The Cuatro Caminos #2 Coliving will also be our inaugural “Carbon Neutral” building. This milestone is achieved through the strategic acquisition of certified carbon credits, demonstrating our proactive approach to combating climate change and our dedication to achieving sustainability goals across our properties.


Looking Ahead: Expansion Beyond Coliving

Impact Report 2024 de Urban Campus: ¡Echemos un vistazo!

As Urban Campus evolves, we are diversifying beyond coliving with new concepts and housing solutions. 

Flex Living in Spain

We are exploring opportunities for “Flex Living” in Spain. In the first half of 2023 alone, Flex Living secured the second-highest investment volume in the living segments market, totaling a staggering €240 million. This model is similar to coliving, offering flexible lease terms and adaptable living spaces but with more frequent resident rotation.

Affordable Housing in France

In France, we’re implementing Affordable Multifamily housing solutions that combine cost-effectiveness with our core values of community and sustainability. These developments feature modern amenities and designs that support a community-focused lifestyle while addressing the urgent need for affordable housing in France. Our first projects will take place in Le Bourget and Colombes, in partnership with in’li.  


That’s a Wrap! 

The 2024 Impact Report not only reflects Urban Campus’s growth and innovation but also reinforces our commitment to our core values of enhancing urban living through community and sustainability. As we look to the future, we are excited about the opportunities to deepen our impact and continue providing exceptional living experiences for our diverse, vibrant community of residents.

Want to read the report yourself? 





























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As cities grow and environmental challenges intensify, Urban Campus is at the forefront of integrating innovative solutions for sustainable urban living. The Passivhaus Standard, a cornerstone of energy-efficient construction, currently guides the construction of our newest Cuatro Caminos II, Madrid Coliving Space. 

The Passivhaus Standard dramatically reduces a building’s ecological footprint by optimizing energy use. Plus, it simultaneously enhances tenant comfort with carefully developed design criteria. Let’s take a closer look at exactly what it encompasses. 


What is the Passivhaus Standard?

All About the Passivhaus Standard 1

The Passivhaus Standard exemplifies energy efficiency in modern construction, establishing a rigorous benchmark that drastically reduces the ecological footprint of buildings. Its core principles ensure a radical decrease in energy needs for heating and cooling, along with a host of other benefits that promote sustainable living:

  • Exceptional Energy Efficiency: The standard promises to reduce heating and cooling demands by up to 90% compared to conventional buildings. This is achieved through sophisticated design and engineering that optimizes the building’s performance.
  • Super Insulation: Building envelopes are wrapped in thick layers of high-performance insulation, which minimize heat loss during winter and keep the interior cool during summer.
  • Air-tightness: Buildings are designed to be nearly air-tight, preventing uncontrolled air leakage. This control is crucial for maintaining energy efficiency and interior comfort.
  • High-performance Windows: Utilizing triple-pane windows with insulated frames helps to trap heat during colder months and reflect heat during warmer months, maintaining consistent interior temperatures.
  • Ventilation with Heat Recovery: A mechanical ventilation system is crucial in Passivhaus buildings. It delivers fresh air while recovering heat from exhaust air, maintaining good air quality without letting heat escape.
  • Minimal Energy Losses: The meticulous attention to insulation and air-tightness leads to minimal energy loss, a fundamental aspect of the Passivhaus approach. This ensures that little energy is wasted, and the building’s carbon footprint is significantly reduced.
  • Enhanced Comfort and Air Quality: The combination of continuous fresh air supply, consistent indoor temperatures, and reduced drafts contributes to a superior indoor environment. Tenants enjoy high levels of excellent air quality, which are significant for health and well-being.


The Origins of the Passivhaus Standard

All About the Passivhaus Standard 2

The Passivhaus Standard traces back to a collaborative research project between Professors Bo Adamson of Sweden and Wolfgang Feist of Germany in the late 1980s. Recognizing the need for buildings that could maintain energy efficiency and comfort without relying heavily on active heating and cooling systems, they embarked on developing a set of principles that would radically reduce energy consumption in buildings.

The first Passivhaus residences were built in Darmstadt, Germany, in 1991. These prototype buildings demonstrated that it was possible to dramatically cut energy costs by focusing on the building’s envelope and passive solar heating techniques. The success of these initial projects led to the formal establishment of the Passivhaus Institute in 1996. Now, the institute serves as the hub for research, development, and certification of Passivhaus standards globally.

Key milestones in the development of the Passivhaus Standard include:

  • 1990s: Refinement of the standard and the spread of the concept across Germany and other parts of Europe.
  • 2000s: Expansion of the standard internationally, proving the standard’s adaptability to different climates and cultures.
  • 2010s: Increased focus on retrofitting existing buildings to meet Passivhaus standards and integration with other sustainable building certifications.


Certification Pathway: Attaining Passivhaus Status

All About the Passivhaus Standard 3

Achieving Passivhaus certification is a rigorous process that demands strict adherence to specific performance requirements. This certification not only underscores ultra-low energy usage for heating and cooling but also covers the building’s overall primary energy consumption. Key elements scrutinized during the certification process include:

  • Thermal Insulation: The building must be equipped with top-grade insulation that significantly reduces heat transfer. This includes all aspects of the building envelope – from walls and floors to roofs and exterior doors.
  • High-Performance Windows: Windows must have high insulation levels and be properly installed to prevent thermal bridging and leakage. This is crucial for maintaining consistent internal temperatures.
  • Ventilation System: A mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery is essential. This system ensures that fresh air is continuously supplied and stale air is expelled, all while retaining most of the temperature of the indoor air.
  • Construction Quality: The integrity of the building construction must meet high standards to ensure that all components work together effectively. This involves meticulous attention to detail to eliminate any thermal bridges and air leakage points.

Is the Passivhaus Standard Difficult to Attain?

Although the criteria are demanding, achieving Passivhaus certification is feasible with precise planning and execution. Success depends largely on: 

  • Meticulous Design: Every aspect of the building design must be carefully planned to meet energy efficiency targets.
  • Quality of Execution: The construction must accurately follow the planned specifications to ensure integrity and high performance.
  • Testing and Validation: Throughout the construction process, various tests, including air tightness tests, are necessary to validate that the building meets the required standards.

For our Urban Campus coliving spaces, aligning with the Passivhaus Standard not only contributes to environmental conservation but also ensures the creation of future-proof, energy-efficient living spaces.


Passivhaus in Spain

In Spain, the adoption of the Passivhaus standard has been gaining momentum. This is particularly important as the country faces increasing energy costs and a growing recognition of sustainable construction benefits. A few key developments include:

  • Regulatory Support: Various regional governments have begun to encourage Passivhaus designs by offering incentives for energy-efficient construction.
  • Educational and Awareness Efforts: Institutions and non-profit organizations across Spain have been pivotal in promoting the Passivhaus standard through educational programs and public awareness campaigns. These efforts have increased the expertise available in the country and have fostered a growing community of certified Passivhaus designers and consultants.

Passivhaus projects in Spain have demonstrated significant energy savings and enhanced comfort for tenants, driving interest among developers, architects, and homeowners alike. As Spain continues to embrace these sustainable building practices, the impact of Passivhaus is expected to grow. The hope is that the broader construction industry is influenced towards more environmentally friendly and efficient standards.


Urban Campus & Passivhaus 

Urban Campus is proud that our Cuatro Caminos II, Madrid Coliving will be our pioneering Passivhaus project in Spain. This new residence is located adjacent to our original Cuatro Caminos Coliving Space. With an emphasis on sustainability, this greenfield project is being constructed with locally sourced materials and is designed to be completely carbon neutral.

Key Features of Cuatro Caminos II:

  • Location and Size: Spans 1,825 square meters with a total of 32 total units.
  • Wooden Structural Framework: The first coliving space in Spain to be built with a wooden structural framework.
  • Carbon-Neutral: Residual Co2 emissions are completely offset through the acquisition of certified carbon credits.
  • Passivhaus Certification: Built to meet rigorous energy efficiency standards.
  • Coworking Zones and Fitness Facilities: Shared spaces designed to support work, collaboration and wellness.
  • Common Kitchen and Interior Courtyard: Shared spaces that encourage community engagement and relationship               building.
  • Multiple Terraces and Bicycle Parking: Plenty of outdoor access and eco-friendly transportation options.


Our Commitment to Sustainability 

Urban Campus is deeply committed to pioneering sustainable urban living. Our focus extends beyond building efficient structures; we strive to create communities that foster environmental awareness and action. By integrating advanced sustainable criterias like the Passivhaus and BREEAM into our spaces, we work to not only support the environment but also enhance the quality of life for our tenants.


Photo Credits: 

  • All photos used through the Canva Free Media License





























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Guessing game! Which city is known for the following…?

  • Home to the largest football stadium in Europe
  • More motorcycles per capita than any other European city
  • Home to a famous church that has been under construction since 1882
  • Often dubbed the “Skateboarding Capital of Europe” due to its numerous skate-friendly spots 

If you guessed Barcelona, you’re right!

This metropolitan Spanish city is a delightful mix of the historic and the modern, offering a range of experiences from architectural wonders to a delicious culinary scene. Let’s dive into the details and discover what truly makes Barcelona so special. 


What is Barcelona known for? Architecture

What is Barcelona Known For? The Famous Catalonian Capital 1

Barcelona is synonymous with innovative architecture. The city’s landscape is marked by Antoni Gaudí’s masterpieces, including the Sagrada Família, Park Güell, and Casa Batlló. These iconic structures define the architectural heritage of the city and illustrate why Barcelona is known for its unique approach to Modernisme.

The contrast between the old Gothic Quarter and the newer Eixample district further highlights the architectural evolution that continues to allure architecture enthusiasts from all around the world.

Iconic Landmarks

  • Sagrada Família: Gaudí’s unfinished masterpiece, known for its elaborate spires and intricate facades.
  • Park Güell: A public park filled with colorful mosaics, whimsical designs, and panoramic views of the city.
  • Casa Batlló: A remodeled residential building famous for its skeletal organic quality and vibrant colors.

Architectural Styles

  • Gothic Quarter: Features narrow medieval streets with Gothic architecture like the Barcelona Cathedral.
  • Eixample District: Known for its grid pattern, wide avenues, and modernist buildings.


What is Barcelona known for? Food

What is Barcelona Known For? The Famous Catalonian Capital 2

When it comes to Catalan cuisine, Barcelona offers an extraordinary dining scene that ranges from traditional tapas bars to Michelin-starred restaurants. The city is known for its use of fresh seafood, which is a staple in dishes like paella and suquet de peix. Food markets, such as La Boqueria, offer fresh produce amidst a lively atmosphere, encapsulating the essence of Barcelona’s unifying food culture.


  • Patatas Bravas: Fried potatoes topped with a spicy tomato sauce and aioli.
  • Bombas: Potato balls filled with meat and served with spicy sauce.
  • Pimientos de Padrón: Small green peppers fried in olive oil and sprinkled with sea salt.
  • Jamón Ibérico: A type of cured ham produced in Spain and Portugal.

Seafood Dishes:

  • Gambas al Ajillo: Shrimp sautéed in garlic and olive oil.
  • ⭐ Suquet de Peix: A traditional Catalan fish stew, perfect for seafood lovers.
  • Fideuà: Similar to paella but made with noodles instead of rice, often loaded with seafood.

Traditional Catalan Meals:

  • Escudella i Carn d’Olla: A hearty stew made with meat, beans, potatoes, and vegetables.
  • Calçots with Romesco Sauce: Grilled spring onions served with a nut and red pepper sauce.
  • Canelons: Pasta tubes filled with ground meat and covered in béchamel sauce, traditionally served on Saint Stephen’s Day.

Desserts and Sweets:

  • ⭐ Crema Catalana: Catalonia’s version of crème brûlée, a rich custard base topped with caramelized sugar.
  • Churros: A classic breakfast sweet, often dipped in hot chocolate.
  • Mel i Mató: Fresh cheese served with honey, typically enjoyed as a light dessert.


  • ⭐ Cava: A sparkling wine from Catalonia, perfect for any atmosphere or time of day.
  • Vermut: Enjoyed as an aperitif, Barcelona locals typically drink Vermut with a side of olives.


Art & Culture in Barcelona

What is Barcelona Known For? The Famous Catalonian Capital 3

Barcelona’s art scene is as diverse as its architecture. The city is home to numerous museums and galleries, including the Picasso Museum and the Joan Miró Foundation, showcasing the rich artistic heritage that Barcelona is known for. 

The streets themselves are alive with art, featuring intricate murals and public sculptures that tell stories of the city’s past and present. Cultural festivals, like the Festa Major de Gràcia, offer a glimpse into the traditions that are deeply woven into the fabric of Barcelona’s community.


The History of Barcelona

Barcelona’s history stretches back over 2,000 years, evident in the Roman relics and medieval architecture scattered throughout the city. The historic Barri Gòtic, with its narrow alleys and ancient buildings, tells tales of a bygone era. 

Additionally, Barcelona’s role as a crucial port city has contributed to its diverse cultural and historical landscape, making it a pivotal location throughout Spanish history.

Historic Sites

  • Roman Walls: Remnants of the ancient Roman city can be seen in the Gothic Quarter.
  • Medieval Buildings: Historic buildings like the Santa Maria del Mar church represent Barcelona’s medieval past.

Significant Periods

  • Barcelona’s Golden Age: During the medieval period when Barcelona was a major maritime power.
  • Modern Era: Barcelona’s transformation during the 20th century, particularly due to the 1992 Olympics.


What is Barcelona Known for? Sports

While FC Barcelona and their iconic Camp Nou stadium are at the heart of Barcelona’s sports culture, the city’s relationship with sports extends much deeper. Barcelona is known for its fervent love of football as well as for hosting the 1992 Olympic Games, which transformed the city’s infrastructure and international image. The city also enjoys a vibrant skateboarding scene and a growing interest in basketball, making it a great hub for sports enthusiasts.

Famous Sports Institutions

  • FC Barcelona: One of the world’s most famous football clubs.
  • Camp Nou: The largest stadium in Europe, with tours and an extensive museum of FC Barcelona’s history.


Shopping in Barcelona

Barcelona shopping offers everything from high-end boutiques to unique artisan shops. The Passeig de Gràcia and Portal de l’Àngel are lined with designer stores and international brands, making them popular destinations for those looking to indulge in retail therapy. For those interested in local crafts and souvenirs, the El Born area provides a more eclectic shopping experience, embodying the artistic and creative spirit Barcelona is known for.

Luxury Shopping

  • Passeig de Gràcia: Home to luxury brands like Chanel and Louis Vuitton.
  • Portal de l’Àngel: A bustling shopping street with a mix of local and international retailers.

Local and Artisan Shopping

  • El Born: Known for its unique boutiques, artisan shops, and bohemian vibe.
  • Local Markets: Visit Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria for a variety of local goods.


Nightlife in Barcelona

Barcelona’s nightlife is nothing short of legendary. From lively beach clubs to rustic tapas bars, the city caters to all tastes and preferences. Whether you’re looking to dance the night away at Opium or enjoy a quiet drink at a cozy bar in La Rambla, Barcelona’s energetic nightlife scene is a perfect mirror of the city’s dynamic and spirited culture.

Clubs and Bars

  • Opium and Pacha: Famous beach clubs that transform into epic nightclubs.
  • Pipa Club: A hidden speakeasy-style bar known for its intimate atmosphere and live jazz music.

Cultural Nightlife

  • Flamenco Shows: Experience authentic flamenco performances at Tablao Flamenco Cordobes.
  • Tapas Bars: Enjoy a late-night tapas crawl through the Gothic Quarter, a favorite local activity.


Photo Credits:

  • All photos used through the Canva Free Media License





























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Champions of Europe, Once Again!

Real Madrid has etched yet another glorious chapter in their history by winning the 2024 UEFA Champions League – HOORAH!  

This victory not only adds to the team’s expansive trophy cabinet but also reaffirms their status as one of the greatest football clubs in the history of the sport. In the final, Real Madrid showcased tactical skill and strong teamwork, defeating Borussia Dortmund with a final score of 2-0 at Wembley Stadium. 

This win officially secured their 15th UEFA Champions League title, adding to the impressive Real Madrid Champions League History. The match not only captivated football fans around the globe but will serve as an exhilarating core memory for Real Madrid fans for years to come. 


An Epic Showdown in London

Real Madrid Champions League History: A Quick Overview 9

In the Champions League final, Real Madrid demonstrated their tactical prowess. Led by Head Coach Carlo Ancelotti, they overcame Borussia Dortmund with a 2-0 victory. Dani Carvajal opened the scoring with a crucial goal assisted by Toni Kroos, which broke the deadlock and shifted momentum in Madrid’s favor. Later in the match, Vinicius Junior secured the win with a sharp strike.

The win marked Real Madrid’s 15th UEFA Champions League title, showcasing not only the team’s strategic depth but also individual brilliance throughout the tournament. Central midfielder Jude Bellingham was particularly notable this season, contributing key goals and assists that were vital to Madrid’s success. His performances throughout the competition exemplified the high level of skill and spirit that Real Madrid is known for.


Who Founded Real Madrid?

Real Madrid Champions League History: A Quick Overview 5

Real Madrid was founded on March 6, 1902, by brothers Juan Padrós and Carlos Padrós. Originally named ‘Madrid Football Club,‘ the institution has grown to become a cornerstone of global club football. The royal title “Real”, meaning “Royal” in Spanish, was bestowed upon the club by King Alfonso XIII in 1920. The royal crown was also added in the team’s emblem, marking them officially as “Real Madrid Club de Fútbol.”

Real Madrid Trophies & Records

Real Madrid’s trophy cabinet is among the most decorated in the world. The club’s relentless pursuit of success is evidenced by its record 14 UEFA Champions League titles, a testament to their dominance in the European competition. 

Nationally, Real Madrid has won numerous La Liga titles and Copa del Rey trophies, consistently proving their mettle against Spain’s best.

Here is a quick and impressive factsheet: 

Real Madrid Champions League History (UEFA):

  • First title in 1955-56
  • Most recent title in 2024
  • A record 14 titles, making them the most successful club in the tournament’s history

La Liga Titles:

  • First La Liga title in 1931-32
  • Have won 35 La Liga titles, the most in the competition’s history as of the latest season

Copa del Rey Trophies:

  • First Copa del Rey win in 1905
  • A total of 19 Copa del Rey titles, showcasing consistent domestic success

Other Achievements:

  • 11 Supercopa de España titles, first in 1988
  • 4 FIFA Club World Cups, starting with their first in 2014
  • 2 UEFA Cups (now known as the UEFA Europa League) in 1985 and 1986

Real Madrid Champions League History: A Quick Overview 4

Famous Moments, Plays & Games

Real Madrid’s history is punctuated by iconic moments. A great example is Zinedine Zidane’s left-foot volley against Bayer Leverkusen in the 2002 Champions League final, considered one of the greatest goals in the history of the tournament. 

Another unforgettable moment was Sergio Ramos’ dramatic equalizer in the 93rd minute against Atlético Madrid in the 2014 Champions League final, leading to a victory in extra time. These moments are not just highlights of matches but have become integral to the culture of the sport.


Iconic Real Madrid Players

Real Madrid has been home to some of football’s greatest players of all time. Here are a few football legends you may have heard of: 

Historical Legends:

  • Alfredo Di Stéfano: Set the early standards of excellence.
  • Ferenc Puskás: Renowned for his incredible scoring ability.
  • Raúl: Iconic figure and one of the leading scorers in the club’s history.

Modern Icons:

  • Cristiano Ronaldo: Became the club’s all-time top scorer.
  • Zinedine Zidane: Influential both as a player and as a coach, leading the team to multiple Champions League titles.

Real Madrid’s Rivals

Real Madrid’s most notable rivalry is with FC Barcelona, known as ‘El Clásico,’ which is more than just a football match; it’s a clash that divides Spain and attracts global attention. Another fierce rivalry is with Atlético Madrid, known as the ‘Derby Madrileño,’ where city pride is on the line, showcasing intense, passionate football.


Real Madrid and the City of Madrid

Real Madrid is more than just a football club; it has become an integral part of Madrid’s culture. The club symbolizes the city’s vibrant energy and commitment to excellence in sports and community values. On game days, the entire city pauses as fans of all backgrounds come together, demonstrating the sport’s ability to unite and bring people together.

Real Madrid Gear, Merch, and Traditions

Real Madrid is known not only for its on-field success but also for its rich traditions and iconic symbols:

  • Colors and Uniforms: The team traditionally wears white uniforms, earning them the nickname “Los Blancos” (The Whites). The away uniforms often vary, featuring colors like black, dark blue, or purple.
  • Club Crest: Features a crown, a nod to their royal patronage, and the initials “MCF” for Madrid Club de Fútbol.
  • Anthem:“Himno del Real Madrid,” the official anthem played before home games, reflects the pride and traditions of the club.
  • Stadium: Santiago Bernabéu Stadium: Named after former president Santiago Bernabéu, it is one of the world’s most famous football venues.
  • Training Ground: Ciudad Real Madrid: The state-of-the-art training facility in Valdebebas, used for both the first team and the youth academy.
  • Museum and Tours: The club operates a museum at the Santiago Bernabéu, showcasing trophies, memorabilia, and interactive exhibits about Real Madrid’s history.
  • Supporters’ Groups: Numerous official and unofficial supporters’ clubs globally, known as “peñas,” which organize viewing parties and other activities.


So…what do you think of the extensive Real Madrid Champions League History? Have you joined the fan club?


Photo Credits:

  • All photos used through Canva Free Media License































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Valencia Clubs: All About Valencia’s Nightlife

Valencia, the charming coastal city of Spain, is not only celebrated for its oranges and paella but also for its iconic nightlife. 

In general, Spanish nightlife is famously late-starting and long-lasting, with locals often heading out well after dark and staying until sunrise. In Valencia, this tradition blends with the city’s youthful energy and cultural diversity to offer a variety of party options, from sultry salsa spots to cutting-edge techno clubs.

Let’s explore the best Valencia clubs and nightlife spots!


The 7 Best Clubs in Valencia, Spain

Valencia clubs offer a little bit of everything, from hard-hitting techno beats to lively pop dancefloors. Here are the 7 top Valencia clubs you should consider for an unforgettable night out.

1. L’Umbracle

Valencia Clubs: All About the Nightlife in Valencia, Spain 1

Located in the stunning City of Arts and Sciences, L’Umbracle is a terrace club that offers breathtaking views and an open-air vibe. The music ranges from reggaeton to top 40 hits, and its lush garden setting makes it a glamorous spot for both locals and tourists. Expect a cover charge, especially on weekends, but the experience is well worth the cost.

  • Price: Moderate to high
  • Dress Code: Trendy clubwear, dressy
  • Type of Music: Reggaeton, top 40 hits

2. Mya

Right beneath L’Umbracle, you’ll find Mya, known for its electric atmosphere and popular amongst a young, international crowd. This club has a wide-open dance floor with different music genres, ranging from reggaeton to electronic. Mya is known for hosting top DJs, and its central location makes it a must-visit for a night of clubbing. Typically,  a ticket to L’Umbracle also grants you access to Mya, and visa versa. 

  • Price: Moderate to high
  • Dress Code: Trendy clubwear
  • Type of Music: Reggaeton, electronic

3. Play Club

Valencia Clubs: All About the Nightlife in Valencia, Spain 8

Located in the Cedro district, Play Club is known for its electronic music scene. This is where you’ll meet Valencia’s hip crowd, dancing to both underground tracks and the latest hits. The club’s relaxed dress code and affordable drinks attract a diverse group of party-goers.

  • Price: Affordable
  • Dress Code: Club casual
  • Type of Music: Indie, electronic

4. Akuarela Playa

If you prefer dancing on the beach, Akuarela Playa is your go-to destination during the summer months. This beachfront club plays a mix of Spanish pop and international hits, offering themed nights and a lively atmosphere that doesn’t stop until the sun comes up.

  • Price: Moderate
  • Dress Code: Trendy clubwear, nice beachwear
  • Type of Music: Spanish pop, international hits

5. Marina Beach Club

Valencia Clubs: All About the Nightlife in Valencia, Spain 7

Located on the aesthetic shores of Valencia’s coastline, Marina Beach Club epitomizes luxury nightlife with its stunning ocean views and sophisticated setting. By day, it functions as a serene place where visitors can relax by the pool and have some casual drinks. As night falls, the venue transforms into a world-class club where the latest EDM and house tracks energize the crowd. 

  • Price: High
  • Dress Code: Fashionable, beach chic
  • Music: EDM, house, special theme nights

6. Oven

Valencia Clubs: All About the Nightlife in Valencia, Spain 9

Oven Club, right in the heart of Valencia, is a hotspot for those who appreciate the energy and intimacy of underground music scenes. Known for its deep techno beats, Oven attracts a dedicated following of techno aficionados. The club’s atmosphere is raw and authentic, with a focus on quality sound and immersive lighting.

  • Price: Moderate
  • Dress Code: Casual
  • Type of Music: Deep house, techno

7. Piccadilly Club

Valencia Clubs: All About the Nightlife in Valencia, Spain 6

Piccadilly Club is a dynamic choice in Valencia’s nightlife, known for its silent disco nights where guests can choose from several channels of music broadcasted through colorful headphones. The club also hosts regular party nights with a range of music styles, from top 40 hits to electronic and reggaeton. 

  • Price: Moderate
  • Dress Code: Casual to trendy
  • Type of Music: Varied, includes a silent disco


The Best Bars in Valencia, Spain

Valencia Clubs: All About the Nightlife in Valencia, Spain 4

For those looking for a more laid-back evening, Valencia’s bar scene offers a nice alternative to the energetic club scene. From stylish cocktail lounges to traditional Spanish bodegas, there’s something for everyone. 

#1. Café de las Horas

This baroque-style café and bar is famous for its signature cocktail, Agua de Valencia. Decked out with elaborate decor, it provides a unique and cozy setting ideal for a relaxing evening drinking with friends. 

#2. Radio City

A staple of the old town, Radio City is a live music bar known for its affordable drinks and authentic, dance-friendly atmosphere. It’s the perfect spot to savor diverse entertainment and local bands, all while enjoying a delicious, budget-friendly mojito!

#3. St. Patrick’s Irish Pub

A favorite among expats, St. Patrick’s is your classic no-frills Irish pub. It’s a great spot to catch a sports game, language exchange or enjoy live music over the weekend. This is also known as the go-to international bar in Valencia. If you’re looking to meet English speakers, St. Patrick’s is definitely the place. 

#4. Olhöps Craft Beer House

For craft beer enthusiasts, Olhöps is a must-visit. With a vast selection of local and international brews, along with a knowledgeable staff, it’s a perfect place for a casual hangout along with a few pints.

#5. El Cafetín

Right in the center of the city, El Cafetín has a unique charm with its whimsical and eclectic decor. This cozy, “hole-in-the-wall” bar is perfect for those seeking a quiet nook to enjoy some quality time over delicious cocktails. Be sure to grab a pitcher of Agua de Valencia or Sangria – they are known to be particularly strong!


The Best Areas to Go Out in Valencia

Valencia Clubs: All About the Nightlife in Valencia, Spain 5

Ruzafa is undoubtedly the heart of Valencia’s nightlife. This trendy neighborhood is packed with bars, clubs, and restaurants that attract a diverse and rowdy crowd. El Carmen, with its narrow streets and historical ambiance, offers more traditional Spanish nightlife with tapas bars and more intimate dance floors.

If you’re undecided about your plans for the night, we recommend taking a leisurely stroll through the streets of Ruzafa. Since the neighborhood comes to life on weekends, it is typically filled with young party-goers hopping from place to place. As you wander, you’re sure to encounter a variety of bars, clubs, and casual hangouts.

What time should I go out in Valencia? 

In Valencia, Spain, nightlife starts late, with clubs usually coming to life between 1 and 2 AM. Arriving at 1:30 AM is a safe bet. People often stay out until 6 AM or later, reflecting the Spanish habit of late-night socializing. You might find clubs a little empty if you go at 12:30 AM, and arriving at midnight is typically far too early. So – have an evening espresso and get ready for a late night!


Photo Credits:

  • All photos used through Canva Free Media License






















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The ULTIMATE List of Free Things to Do in Barcelona!

Barcelona, a bustling metropolis renowned for its vibrant culture, stunning architecture, and historical depth, offers countless experiences that don’t require a hefty budget. You can immerse yourself in the city’s rich heritage, relax on beautiful beaches, or enjoy the panoramic views – all for FREE. Let’s explore the top 5 free things to do in Barcelona, so you can soak up the city’s unique atmosphere without reaching for your wallet


Recommendation #1: Explore the Gothic Quarter

The ULTIMATE List of Free Things to do in Barcelona!

If you’re looking for free things to do in Barcelona, getting lost in the Gothic Quarter is a no-brainer. The Gothic Quarter is the core of Barcelona’s old city. This area is a maze of winding streets and historic buildings that date back to Roman and medieval times, making it quite appealing for history enthusiasts. 

It is here that the ancient city of Barcino was founded, and as you walk through, you can see remnants of the Roman walls that once defined the city limits. The quarter also houses some of the city’s most significant medieval landmarks, which tell stories of Barcelona’s past as a maritime power and a center of commerce. 


  • Barcelona Cathedral: This impressive Gothic cathedral is a focal point of the area. It has a peaceful courtyard with 13 white geese dedicated to Saint Eulalia, a young martyr from Barcelona’s history.
  • Plaça del Rei: This square is a part of the old royal palace. It has historical significance as the reception site for Columbus on his return from the Americas.
  • Street Performers: The quarter’s vibrant street life includes artists and musicians, adding a modern cultural flair to the historic setting.


Recommendation #2: Relax at Barceloneta Beach

The ULTIMATE List of Free Things to do in Barcelona! 1

Barceloneta Beach is more than just a stretch of sand; it represents Barcelona’s one-of-a-kind coastal ties. It was created in the 18th century for residents of La Ribera who were relocated due to the construction of the Ciutadella fortress. Today, it’s a top spot for fun and relaxation. 

Both tourists and locals flock to Barceloneta Beach to unwind, sunbathe, and enjoy various activities. The beach also has a modern promenade filled with restaurants and clubs, making it an ideal place to enjoy Barcelona’s vibrant beach culture.


  • Walking or Cycling: The promenade is ideal for enjoying seaside walks or bike rides.
  • Enjoying the Sunset: The beach is a prime location for watching the sunset, with stunning views as the day ends.


Recommendation #3: Hike Montjuïc Hill

The ULTIMATE List of Free Things to do in Barcelona! 2

Montjuïc Hill is an iconic landmark in Barcelona, known for its enormous parks, art galleries, and sports facilities. Rising above the city’s harbor, it has been a strategic site throughout history, providing expansive views that were crucial for defense. 

Today, it is better known for its cultural significance, housing the Montjuïc Castle, various Olympic venues from the 1992 games, and multiple museums. The hill is a green oasis in the urban landscape, offering locals and tourists alike a peaceful escape with spectacular views and rich historical sites.


  • Montjuïc Castle: This old military fortress provides insight into the city’s past and offers excellent views of the harbor.
  • Magic Fountain: The fountain is famous for its free light and music shows, which are particularly spectacular at night.


Recommendation #4: Discover the Magic of Park Güell’s Public Areas

Park Güell is one of Antoni Gaudí’s most ambitious and recognized works, originally conceived as part of a unique residential project which was never completed. The park is a public space that reflects Gaudí’s innovative and colorful style, integrating architectural elements within a natural setting. 

While part of the park requires an entry fee, its free areas allow visitors to experience Gaudí’s vision of a harmonious blend of nature and architecture. The park’s main features include curved shapes, colorful ceramic tiles, and fascinating stone structures. Park Güell provides a surreal escape from the urban hustle and bustle, making it an ideal choice among the free things to do in Barcelona.


  • Architectural Elements: The park features whimsical designs, including the famous dragon statue and serpentine bench, both decorated with colorful mosaics.
  • Views of the City: The park is situated on a hill, offering panoramic views of Barcelona.


Recommendation #5: Visit the Free Museums in Barcelona

Barcelona is a city celebrated for its vibrant art scene and historical collections, many of which are housed in museums that offer times of free entry. These museums serve as cultural hubs where you can explore the diverse facets of Barcelona’s and Catalonia’s history, art, and architecture. Taking advantage of these free opportunities is a fantastic way to enjoy the rich cultural experiences among the free things to do in Barcelona.

Free Entry Details:

  • Museum of History of Barcelona (MUHBA): Free on the first Sunday of each month, this museum provides insights into Barcelona’s historical layers, from its Roman foundations to present time.
  • Maritime Museum: Free entry on Sunday afternoons, this museum located in the historic shipyards explores Barcelona’s maritime history.
  • Museum of Catalan Modernism: Free on the first Sunday of every month, this museum displays artworks and decorative arts from the modernism style unique to Catalonia.
  • Picasso Museum: Offers free entry on Thursday afternoons and the first Sunday of every month, focusing on Picasso’s early years and his ties to Barcelona.


Photo Credits: 

  • All photos used through Canva Free Media License

Barcelona stands out for its combination of culture, history, and modernity. It’s a city where people from all over the world want to live, but the key question is, how does the Barcelona cost of living match up to the city’s appeal?


A historical look at Barcelona

Barcelona Cost of Living - is Barcelona expensive?

Barcelona has transformed remarkably over the centuries. From its early days as a military Roman settlement, it has now grown into a celebrated focal point on the global map. 

The catalyst for this transformation? 

The late 19th century saw the rise of the Modernisme movement, sparking a surge in art and innovation. This growth was further amplified by the pivotal 1992 Olympics, which modernized the city’s infrastructure and global profile. These historical events both spotlighted Barcelona on the world stage, but of course, also nudged its living costs upward.


Barcelona Cost of Living Breakdown

Barcelona Cost of Living - is Barcelona expensive? 2

In Barcelona, navigating the cost of living requires understanding the local salary landscape. The average monthly income post-tax ranges between €1,600 and €2,000, though this can vary significantly by sector. Barcelona is known for having higher living expenses but also offering a fantastic quality of life. The city offers an exciting cultural scene, cutting-edge culinary experiences, a global network of people, and of course – gorgeous beaches. 

For many people, the lifestyle advantages of living in Barcelona far outweigh the price tag. Let’s take a closer look at the cost of living in Barcelona so you can imagine what monthly expenses can look like. 

  • Average Salary: Approximately €2,000 per month after taxes.
  • Rent: €1,200/month for a one-bedroom apartment in the city center, and around €800/month outside the center.
  • Utilities: Around €120/month for basics (electricity, heating, cooling, water, garbage).
  • Groceries: €200-€300 per month.
  • Transportation: A monthly public transport pass costs about €54 – this can be cheaper depending on your age. 
  • Going Out: Expect to spend around €20-€30 per meal in an inexpensive restaurant, and about €2 for a beer.


Comparing Costs with Other Spanish Cities

Barcelona Cost of Living - is Barcelona expensive? 1

Let’s compare Barcelona’s living costs with those in Madrid, Valencia, and Sevilla, some other well-known Spanish cities. 

Madrid Cost of Living

  • Average Salary: About €2,100 per month after taxes.
  • Rent: €1,300/month for a one-bedroom apartment in the city center, €900/month outside.
  • Utilities: Approximately €130/month.
  • Groceries: €200-€300 per month.
  • Transportation: Monthly pass for around €27.50 – this can be cheaper depending on your age. 
  • Going Out: Meals start at €30 in a nice restaurant, with beers priced around €3.

Valencia Cost of Living

  • Average Salary: Around €1,800 per month after taxes.
  • Rent: €800/month for a one-bedroom apartment in the city center, €600/month outside.
  • Utilities: About €100/month.
  • Groceries: €200-€300 per month.
  • Transportation: A monthly pass costs around €45 – this can be cheaper depending on your age. 
  • Going Out: Inexpensive meal for one person at around €20, with a beer for €2.50.

Sevilla Cost of Living

  • Average Salary: Approximately €1,700 per month after taxes.
  • Rent: €750/month for a one-bedroom apartment in the center, €500/month outside.
  • Utilities: Around €90/month.
  • Groceries: €180-€280 per month.
  • Transportation: Monthly pass approximately €35 – this can be cheaper depending on your age. 
  • Going Out: A meal in an inexpensive restaurant costs about €15, and a beer about €1.50.


Is Living in Barcelona Worth It?

Barcelona Cost of Living - is Barcelona expensive? 4

So…is living in Barcelona worth it? The answer is a resounding “YES!” for many who choose to call this city home. Barcelona is not just any city; it offers a thrilling combination of culture, architecture, innovation and beach life. It blends the historical mystique of ancient Roman walls and Gothic quarters with the whimsical creations of Antoni Gaudí, such as the Sagrada Familia and Park Güell, which are both UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The city’s beaches, like Barceloneta, offer a one-of-a-kind lifestyle where urban living meets the leisure and relaxation of seaside life. 

Beyond the tangible attractions, Barcelona’s lifestyle is highly compelling. The city’s atmosphere is charged with a unique blend of Mediterranean warmth and cosmopolitan sophistication. The warm climate, friendly locals, and the steady buzz of a thriving city make it an unmatched place to live. 


Finding a job in Barcelona

Barcelona Cost of Living - is Barcelona expensive? 3

Finding a job in Barcelona can be an exciting prospect for both locals and foreigners, thanks to the city’s dynamic job market and diverse economic sectors. Barcelona’s strongest industries include tourism, services, technology, and design, plus a growing scene in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. The city has established itself as a startup hub in southern Europe, attracting innovative minds in IT, digital marketing, and creative industries.

Language requirements in Barcelona typically include fluency in Spanish and, ideally, Catalan. While Catalan is not always mandatory, proficiency can significantly enhance job prospects and integration into the city. English is also widely used, especially in international businesses, but having command of the local languages will certainly help you when searching for a job.

Working as a foreigner in Barcelona

The economic landscape in Barcelona is geared towards innovation and global connectivity, which fuels a competitive job market. Locals may find it easier to navigate this market due to language skills and understanding of local business practices. In contrast, foreigners may face additional challenges such as securing work permits and adapting to local norms. However in the Barcelona job market, foreigners are often highly valued for their international experiences and perspectives.


Things to do in Barcelona when you first arrive

Barcelona Cost of Living - is Barcelona expensive? 5

As soon as you arrive in Barcelona, you’ll be greeted by a city buzzing with diverse attractions and activities. From ancient monuments to stunning shorelines, here’s a few recommendations to start with:

Visit Barcelona’s Main Attractions

  • Sagrada Família: Gaudí’s unfinished masterpiece, a stunning symbol of Barcelona’s creative architecture.
  • Park Güell: Another Gaudí creation, with beautiful views and colorful, intricate designs.
  • Gothic Quarter: Wander through narrow medieval streets and explore historical buildings.
  • Picasso Museum: Home to one of the most extensive collections of Picasso’s artworks.
  • Montjuïc: A broad hill with a castle, museums, and gardens, offering sweeping panoramic views of the city.

Explore the Best Neighborhoods in Barcelona

  • El Born: A stylish area known for its boutique shops and vibrant café culture.
  • Gràcia: Offers a bohemian atmosphere with lots of local artisan shops and quaint squares.
  • Barceloneta: Famous for its beaches and seafood restaurants along the boardwalk.
  • Eixample: Known for its unique “grid pattern” layout and modernist architecture, including several Gaudí sites.

Experience the Nightlife in Barcelona

  • Opium Barcelona: Located in Port Olímpic, this exclusive nightclub is famous for its beachfront location, chic crowd, and world-class DJs.
  • Sala Apolo: Situated in El Raval, this venue offers a unique experience, starting the night with live concerts and transitioning into lively themed dance parties.
  • Espit Chupitos: In Poble Sec, this bar specializes in over 200 varieties of shots, perfect for those looking to experiment and enjoy a fun night.
  • Jamboree Jazz: Located on La Rambla, Jamboree hosts live jazz in the early evening and switches to hip hop and R&B late at night, attracting a diverse audience.
  • Razzmatazz: An iconic spot in Poblenou, Razzmatazz is a sprawling multi-room club known for its eclectic mix of music genres, from indie rock to electronic, drawing both locals and tourists.
  • Sutton: Located on the famous Tuset Street. Ideal for those looking for a slightly more sophisticated atmosphere with pop music.

Visit the Best Beaches in Barcelona

  • Barceloneta Beach: The most iconic and accessible beach, perfect for a quick dip or a stroll in the sand.
  • Nova Icària: Close to the Olympic marina, known for its calm waters and ideal for a more relaxed day.
  • Bogatell Beach: Less crowded than Barceloneta, with volleyball courts and a great cycling path.
  • Mar Bella: Popular with younger crowds and known for its water sports and nudist area.
  • Ocata Beach: A bit further from the city center, offering a quieter, more relaxed atmosphere with clear waters and fine sand.

Looking for a place to live in Barcelona? 


Photo Credits: 

  • All photos used through Canva Free Media License

We’ve all heard about artificial intelligence “taking over the world.”

With the recent arrival of ChatGPT and a whole range of fancy AI tools, it’s easier than ever to envision a dystopian future controlled by freaky AI robots. Many of us have found ourselves wondering…will AI replace my job? Will I be out of work in a few years? 

Phil Calzavara, esteemed Engineer & Data Scientist, sees things differently. In fact, Phil views artificial intelligence as a promising augmentation of our current human capabilities, not an outright replacement. While many industries will certainly have to adjust to the arrival of advanced AI technology, he sees this as a positive change that will revolutionize our collective creativity, rather than limit it. 

Can you imagine? AI being used as a tool to propel innovation into new realms, allowing anyone to breathe life into a creative, personalized venture and lowering the barriers to do so? 

Well, Phil has put this to the test. And it’s impressive. 



storybooks from dreamstories.ai

Phil’s groundbreaking entrepreneurial venture, dreamstories.ai, leverages AI to create personalized storybooks for your friends and loved ones. By uploading just a few photos, Phil’s specialized AI technology generates spot-on illustrations that turn your chosen person into the protagonist of the story. Then, voilà! Your friend, child, parent, or whoever you choose is a storybook superhero, illustrated in perfect detail as they embark on wild adventures and save the day. 

To create your own storybook, it goes a little something like this…

  • Head to the website dreamstories.ai  
  • Personalize your story by answering a few prompts and adding key details
  • Upload several photos of your selected person 
  • Take a look at the demo version of your story 
  • Order your personalized storybook for delivery! 

The inspiration behind dreamstories.ai storybooks

The idea for dreamstories.ai was actually born from a simple favor. Phil, known as the “techy AI guy” in his circle of friends, was asked if he could make a personalized storybook featuring his friends’ son as the main character. Of course, his answer was yes. But as he dove into the intricacies of AI image generation, he was surprised to discover many gaps in the technology. 

It proved incredibly difficult to produce consistent AI generated images. The process entailed working with numerous AI base models, training and “fine-tuning” their behaviors, and even still the illustrations were largely flawed and difficult to replicate at scale. Phil began going down Reddit and YouTube rabbit holes, fascinated by the lack of formalized research on this topic. 

He realized there was a huge untapped market when it came to AI image generation, and his curiosity quickly turned into a deeper passion to develop this technology and create his own brand.  


Phil’s unique AI formula

storybooks from dreamstories.ai

Phil became fascinated with the idea of large-scale personalization using artificial intelligence. With regard to storybooks, he knew this sense of personalization would be the key to their success: the more specific and detailed a story, the more engaging it is. If he was going to scale dreamstories.ai, it was essential to train the AI to create high degrees of customization, both with text and illustrations. 

Phil leveraged different AI base models, specifically Open AI and Stable Diffusion, as a basis for the storybooks’ creation process. Then came the big challenge: fine-tuning. In the data tech world, fine-tuning refers to the introduction of new information into these base models, and teaching them how to execute new tasks. 

Now, Dreamstories.ai is fully operational, and has received incredibly positive feedback about the life-like details of the AI generated illustrations. New story themes, options for multiple personalized characters, and even stories featuring your own pets are all coming soon! 


Innovation at it’s finest 

storybooks from dreamstories.ai

Phil comes from an extensive background in both computer and data science. He completed studies at the Polytechnic Universities of Milan and Madrid. Most recently, he worked as a Data Scientist for Uber in Amsterdam playing a key role in designing and analyzing Uber’s payment and transaction infrastructure to support millions of daily rides. He has an extensive CV of experience, yet cites that roughly 80% of his AI technology with dreamstories.ai has been completely new knowledge for him. 

“It’s a super new field. There aren’t books about this right now…It’s a lot of intuition. Trying things out, seeing what works and what doesn’t work and then cutting what doesn’t.” 

Phil remembers being fascinated by computers ever since the age of 5. He was playing computer games before he could read or write, and always had a strong intuition that he would be an entrepreneur. As he continues to refine his illustration generation process with dreamstories.ai, he increasingly envisions how AI technology can evolve to support future personalized products and ventures.


Phil & Urban Campus 

In terms of Phil’s personal life? Something like “non-stop world traveler” would be a fitting description. He is originally from Italy but has spent time living in Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands as well as summers in the United States, Hungary and Russia. One challenge he has faced with his international lifestyle has been maintaining meaningful friendships and community. 

“It is such an investment of time, you have to build relationships and you know that most people move on with their lives and move to different countries…I think from that perspective UC helped me a lot.” 

For Phil, the community was the primary aspect that attracted him to Urban Campus. He lived for 1 year at our Urban Campus Mellado, Madrid Coliving in 2021 before moving to the Netherlands for work. A year and a half later, he decided to return to Madrid to work full-time on dreamstories.ai, largely due to the strong friendships he still had in the city. Returning to UC Mellado was a no-brainer, as he still had many friends in the coliving and wanted a solid community as he pursued his new storybooks venture. 

“The fact that in UC you are living with so many people, it is so great from a perspective of making friends. For a person that just moved to Madrid, I think it is amazing. They get to know 100 people in just a few days. Not to mention all the events and the community breakfasts, which are the best.” 

Coworking at Urban Campus

As a self-employed entrepreneur who works from home, Phil especially appreciates the coworking space at UC. It has given him the chance to separate his working and living space, and also get feedback from other colivers about his business. In this way, he has gained friendships and collaborative colleagues all at the same time. 

Phil leads the operations at dreamstories.ai completely by himself, which he mentioned can be challenging and lonely – although, gratifying above all. Having access to the international community at UC has made his journey far less isolating, giving him a family of people with whom he can celebrate his progress and wins. We can’t wait to see what comes next for him, and of course order storybooks of our own!

Want to check out the storybooks for yourself? 

Madrid is NOT just any regular city.

The Spanish capital stands as a testament to urban growth and global influence, where its economic and cultural contributions resonate worldwide. The city has skyrocketed in popularity during recent years, quickly becoming a place on everyone’s must-visit list. 

When it comes to neighborhoods, Madrid certainly doesn’t disappoint. The city is abundant in diverse neighborhoods that showcase its rich history and electric modern life. Whether you are relocating to Madrid or just passing through, it is important to know a bit about Madrid’s many different neighborhoods and what they each offer. 

Let’s dive into the best neighborhoods in Madrid, examining their historical significance, main attractions, and unique contributions to the capital’s culture!


1. Malasaña

Discovering the Best Neighborhoods in Madrid 10

Malasaña, known as Madrid’s “hipster hub”, is where tradition meets trendy. The neighborhood’s history is deeply rooted in the Movida Madrileña, a counter-cultural movement that sprang to life after Franco’s regime. Today, it’s a vibrant area filled with indie boutiques, eclectic bars, and vintage shops. Wander the streets to find colorful street art, pop into funky stores, or enjoy the lively nightlife.

Malasaña is also a place of historical significance, with Plaza del Dos de Mayo commemorating the Spanish resistance against French forces. This square is a gathering place for locals and offers a glimpse into the everyday life of Madrileños. The Malasaña area is widely recognized as one of the best neighborhoods in Madrid, perfect for those looking to experience Madrid’s modern cultural scene while stepping back in time.

  • Plaza del Dos de Mayo: a historic plaza at the center of the neighborhood
  • Calle de la Palma: for its vibrant street art and indie boutiques
  • Conde Duque Cultural Center: for arts and performances
  • Mercado de San Ildefonso: for a fun, trendy market experience
  • Museo del Romanticismo: for a glimpse into 19th-century Spanish life

PLUS, check out: 


2. Chueca

Discovering the Best Neighborhoods in Madrid 3

Adjacent to Malasaña, Chueca is renowned as Madrid’s LGBTQ+ friendly quarter, exuding openness and diversity. What was once a rundown area has transformed into one of the most popular and inclusive neighborhoods in Madrid. Chueca is bursting with fashionable boutiques, charming cafes, and some of the city’s best nightlife, particularly during Madrid Pride.

The neighborhood is also home to the Mercado de San Antón, a modern market where visitors can enjoy a variety of tapas and food vendors. Chueca’s lively streets and numerous bars and clubs make it an exciting destination for those looking to experience Madrid’s progressive and energetic side.

  • Mercado de San Antón: a modern market with a rooftop terrace
  • Plaza de Chueca: the vibrant central square of the neighborhood
  • Calle Hortaleza: for shopping and bar hopping
  • Calle Pelayo: for its quaint bookshops and cafes
  • The annual Madrid Pride Parade: one of the largest LGBTQ+ celebrations in Europe


3. Barrio de las Letras

Discovering the Best Neighborhoods in Madrid 14

The Barrio de las Letras, or “Literary Quarter”, is a tribute to Madrid’s Golden Age, where famous writers like Cervantes and Lope de Vega once roamed. This neighborhood is a haven for literature enthusiasts, with its cobblestone streets and historic plaques quoting literary works. It’s a peaceful area ideal for strolling and visiting quaint bookshops and taverns.

The neighborhood transforms at night, offering a wide range of dining and entertainment options. One key highlight is the Ateneo de Madrid, a cultural institution and library that has been a focal point for Spanish intellectual life. 

  • Calle de Huertas: lined with quotes from famous authors
  • Plaza de Santa Ana: for historic cafes and live performances
  • Prado Museum: one of the world’s most renowned European art galleries
  • Ateneo de Madrid: a historic cultural institution & conference center 
  • Casa de Lope de Vega: the home of the famous Spanish playwright


4. Salamanca

Discovering the Best Neighborhoods in Madrid 12

Salamanca is Madrid’s most upscale neighborhood, and consistently ranks high as one of the best neighborhoods in Madrid. The area is specifically known for its elegant buildings and luxury shopping. The Salamanca district is characterized by its refined classical architecture, chic boutiques, and exclusive restaurants with live music. It’s the place to be for high-end shopping and people-watching in some of Madrid’s most stylish streets. stroll through the beautiful Retiro Park. 

Beyond shopping, Salamanca is also rich in culture, housing the National Archaeological Museum and the Lázaro Galdiano Art Museum. This neighborhood offers a quieter side of Madrid, making it perfect for those seeking sophistication and tranquility.

  • Calle de Serrano: for luxury shopping
  • National Archaeological Museum: for cultural heritage
  • Lázaro Galdiano Museum: for private art collections
  • Puerta de Alcalá: an iconic neoclassical monument, where you can find countless terraces and clubs to have cocktails and dance until the early hours of the morning.
  • Plaza de Colón: for the largest Spanish flag in the world & cultural events
  • Retiro Park: To enjoy its 118 hectares of nature right in the center of Madrid

PLUS, check out: 


5. La Latina

Discovering the Best Neighborhoods in Madrid 5

La Latina is the essence of traditional Madrid, known for its old, windy streets and exciting tapas scene. This neighborhood is bustling with energy, especially on Sundays during the famous El Rastro market. La Latina is the perfect spot to experience Madrid’s renowned tapas culture, with countless bars and restaurants serving up Spanish delicacies.

The area is steeped in history, home to some of Madrid’s oldest churches and buildings, including the Basilica of San Francisco el Grande. La Latina’s charming plazas, such as Plaza de la Cebada and Plaza de la Paja, are delightful spots to relax and soak up the local atmosphere.

  • El Rastro Market: Madrid’s largest flea market, repeating every Sunday 
  • Cava Baja and Cava Alta: for traditional tapas bars
  • Basilica of San Francisco el Grande: for its impressive architecture
  • Plaza de la Cebada and Plaza de la Paja: for wide-open, historic squares
  • Teatro La Latina: for live theater performances


6. Lavapiés

Lavapiés is Madrid’s multicultural heart, a melting pot of cultures and cuisines from around the world. This neighborhood is known for its diverse community, bold street art, and a wide array of international restaurants. Lavapiés offers an alternative Madrid experience, with an edgy vibe and a strong sense of community.

The neighborhood is also home to important cultural institutions like the Reina Sofía Museum and the Tabacalera, a former tobacco factory turned cultural center. Lavapiés’ dynamic and inclusive atmosphere makes it a must-visit for those looking to experience the city’s contemporary vibe and diversity.

  • Reina Sofía Museum: for modern art collections.
  • Tabacalera: for avant-garde exhibitions and workshops.
  • El Rastro Market (extension into Lavapiés): for second hand shopping & unique finds
  • Calle Argumosa: for delicious, diverse food
  • Lavapiés Street Art: showcases the neighborhood’s culture & art


7. Madrid de los Austrias

Madrid de los Austrias, or Habsburg Madrid, takes you back to the era of the Habsburg dynasty, showcasing the imperial grandeur architecture. The Royal Palace, Almudena Cathedral, and Plaza Mayor are just a few of the historic landmarks found here. Walking through the streets here is like taking a step back in time, with every corner telling a story of Madrid’s royal past.

The area also boasts some of the best traditional Spanish restaurants and taverns in the city. Enjoying a leisurely meal or a quick tapa in one of the many historic plazas is a quintessential Madrid experience. 

  • Royal Palace of Madrid: the official residence of the Spanish Royal Family
  • Plaza Mayor: for historical significance and terraced cafes
  • Almudena Cathedral: a blend of Gothic, Romanesque, and Neoclassical styles
  • Mercado de San Miguel: for gourmet Spanish products
  • Puerta del Sol: the bustling heart of Madrid


8. Argüelles-Moncloa

Argüelles-Moncloa is known for its youthful vibe, largely due to its proximity to several universities. This neighborhood is filled with bookstores, cafes, and vintage clothing shops. It’s a place where students, locals, and tourists mingle, creating a lively and dynamic environment.

The neighborhood is also the gateway to some of Madrid’s green spaces, including Parque del Oeste and the Templo de Debod, an ancient Egyptian temple transported to Madrid. Argüelles-Moncloa combines the vibrancy of student life with cultural gems, making it a diverse and exciting area to explore.

  • Templo de Debod: an authentic Egyptian temple in Madrid
  • Parque del Oeste: for its rose garden and views
  • Moncloa Tower: for panoramic views of the city
  • Museo de América: showcasing art from the Americas


9. Chamberí

Discovering the Best Neighborhoods in Madrid 2

Chamberí represents the authentic Madrid lifestyle, offering a slice of local life away from the tourist hubs. This neighborhood is full of charming architecture, squares filled with terraces where you can enjoy a “caña” (small beer) or a wine. There is the famous “Ponzano” street, the most famous bar street in Madrid. Additionally, there is a selection of theaters and cinemas showing Spanish and international films. Chamberí is great for those who want to experience Madrid like a local, with its traditional markets and family-run restaurants.

The area also houses several lesser-known museums, like the Sorolla Museum, dedicated to the famous Spanish painter. Chamberí is ideal for those seeking a fun, authentic Madrid experience without straying too far from the city center.

  • Sorolla Museum: dedicated to the world-famous painter Joaquín Sorolla
  • Andén 0: an old metro station turned museum
  • Teatros del Canal: for contemporary performing arts
  • Mercado de Chamberí: for a traditional food market experience
  • Calle de Ponzano: to enjoy amazing cuisine in a lively environment


10. Retiro

Named after the famous Retiro Park, this neighborhood is one of Madrid’s most elegant districts. The park itself is a magnificent green oasis in the center of the city, offering a peaceful retreat with beautiful gardens, statues, and a charming lake. Retiro is predominantly residential but is known for its upscale boutiques and fine dining.

The area around the park, especially the Paseo del Prado, is home to some of Madrid’s most important cultural institutions, including the Prado Museum and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. 

  • Retiro Park: Madrid’s green oasis
  • Crystal Palace: a beautiful glass and metal structure within the park
  • The Fallen Angel Statue: a unique sculpture in the park
  • Royal Tapestry Factory: for a historic look at the art of tapestry in Spain


11. Tetuán

Tetuán offers a glimpse into the more modern and diverse side of Madrid. This neighborhood is very culturally diverse, reflected in its culinary offerings and shops. Originally an area for workers and immigrants, it has evolved into a bustling district with a mix of traditional and international influences.

Tetuán is also becoming known for its emerging art scene, with galleries and cultural spaces popping up on every corner. The area around Calle de Bravo Murillo is particularly cool, offering everything from Moroccan bakeries to Latin American eateries. 

  • Calle de Bravo Murillo: for diverse and fun shopping 
  • Palacio de Vistalegre: for sports and entertainment events
  • Dehesa de la Villa Park: for nature within the neighborhood
  • Mercado Maravillas: one of the largest food markets in Madrid
  • Tetuán’s street art: for a cultural urban exploration

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12. Atocha

Discovering the Best Neighborhoods in Madrid 1

Atocha is most recognized for its bustling train station, serving as a primary hub for local, regional, and international travelers. But there’s much more to Atocha than just transit. The neighborhood is a blend of art, culture, and green spaces, making it an increasingly popular area for both tourists and locals.

Atocha is home to some of Madrid’s most prestigious museums, forming part of the famous ‘Golden Triangle of Art’. The area is also known for its lovely botanical gardens, plus it’s close connection to Retiro Park. Dining in Atocha ranges from traditional Spanish eateries to modern, trendy restaurants, catering to all tastes and preferences.

  • Atocha Railway Station: Not just a transport hub, but also a place of architectural beauty and a tropical garden.
  • Royal Botanical Garden: A vast collection of plants from around the world, great for an afternoon stroll.
  • CaixaForum Madrid: A modern cultural center hosting art exhibitions, film screenings, and concerts.
  • Casa Encendida: A dynamic cultural center known for its avant-garde exhibitions, workshops, and performances.

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Background on Madrid’s Neighborhoods

Discovering the Best Neighborhoods in Madrid 9

The best neighborhoods in Madrid each tell a different story, reflecting the city’s multifaceted history. From the Habsburg grandeur to the hipster, modern vibe of Malasaña, each area offers a distinct experience. 

Madrid’s history stretches back centuries, originally established as a Moorish fort. It became the capital of Spain in the 16th century under King Philip II. Since then, Madrid has grown into a sprawling metropolis, blending historical charm with modern innovation. The diversity of its neighborhoods showcases the city’s evolution from a medieval stronghold to a global city.


Best Neighborhoods in Madrid to Live in

Discovering the Best Neighborhoods in Madrid 7

When considering the best neighborhoods in Madrid to live in, factors such as affordability, noise levels, safety, and space come into play. 

For those seeking a more tranquil, upscale environment, Salamanca and Retiro offer elegant living spaces near Madrid’s most serene park and high-end shopping streets. For younger residents or those looking for a vibrant nightlife and cultural scene, neighborhoods like Malasaña, La Latina and Chueca might be more appealing. 

Families may prefer areas like Chamberí or Argüelles-Moncloa, known for their safety, parks, and family-friendly amenities. Meanwhile, Lavapiés and Tetuán are becoming increasingly popular among those seeking a diverse, dynamic community with more affordable housing options. 

Each neighborhood in Madrid offers its own unique advantages, making it important to consider personal preferences and lifestyle when choosing the best place to live.


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  • All photos used through Canva Free Media License





























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Nestled along Spain’s breathtaking eastern coastline, Valencia is the place for beach lovers worldwide. With its unique blend of urban accessibility and untouched natural landscapes, the Valencian Community offers some of the most diverse and inviting beaches in the Iberian Peninsula. 

Whether you’re a city dweller or a nature enthusiast, Valencia has a spot in the sun just for you. Let’s dive into the best beaches in Valencia, highlighting 15 must-visit beaches that promise unforgettable seaside leisure.


What is the most beautiful beach in Valencia?

Let’s hit the beach! The 15 Best Beaches in Valencia, Spain 6

In the heart of Valencia, La Malvarrosa Beach stands out for its golden sands and vibrant cityscape backdrop. This beach is a favorite among both locals and tourists. Meanwhile, in the Valencian Community at large, Cala Ambolo near Jávea offers a more secluded and natural setting. This area has stunning turquoise waters and serene surroundings, capturing the essence of the region’s coastal beauty.


Best beaches in Valencia: Near the City Center

Let’s hit the beach! The 15 Best Beaches in Valencia, Spain 7

  • La Malvarrosa Beach: The quintessential Valencia experience, offering wide sandy stretches perfect for long strolls. Here you’ll also find plenty of restaurants to have seaside paella.
  • El Cabanyal (Las Arenas) Beach: Next to La Malvarrosa, this beach features a more relaxed vibe and can be less crowded. 
  • Patacona Beach: Slightly removed from the city’s bustle, Patacona is perfect for a chill beach day with picturesque cafes and restaurants nearby. Plus, it has a stunning pink and blue sunset. 
  • El Saler Beach: Situated within the Albufera Natural Park, this beach has a more rugged natural beauty. It is located just a short drive from the city.
  • Port Saplaya Beach: Known as “Little Venice,” Port Saplaya’s colorful houses and calm waters offer a charming beach experience close to the city.


Best beaches in Valencia: Beyond the City Limits

Let’s hit the beach! The 15 Best Beaches in Valencia, Spain

  • Gandia Beach: With its soft sand and clear waters, Gandia is a family-friendly beach great for beach sports and activities.
  • Oliva Beach: Renowned for its natural dunes and pristine conditions, ideal for a peaceful day by the Mediterranean.
  • Daimús Beach: A quieter alternative for those looking to escape the crowds, offering serene landscapes and a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Xeraco Beach: Appreciated for its unspoiled beauty and mountainous backdrop, with vast stretches of soft sand.
  • Cullera Beach: This beach has a beautiful boardwalk and nearby historical landmarks, plus sparkling water perfect for swimming. 
  • Canet d’En Berenguer Beach: Featuring over a kilometer of fine, golden sand, it’s known for its extensive space, clear waters and sky-high palm trees. 
  • Les Palmeretes Beach: A serene spot for those seeking tranquility and a touch of local life away from the tourist trails.
  • Cala Ambolo: For those willing to venture further, this is an incredible small, secluded cove. The beach offers breathtaking views and is surrounded by small, jagged cliffs. 
  • Playa de Almardá: Adjacent to Canet, this beach is less crowded, offering a peaceful retreat with untouched natural scenery. 
  • Playa de Piles: Known for its relaxed atmosphere and clean, wide beaches, Piles is an excellent choice for a laid-back day by the sea. 


Are Valencia beaches good for swimming?

Let’s hit the beach! The 15 Best Beaches in Valencia, Spain 1

Absolutely! Valencia’s beaches are renowned for their peaceful and calm waters, making them ideal for swimmers of all levels. The clarity and cleanliness of the water make for perfect swimming conditions. Many Valencia beaches also boast the Blue Flag status for water quality and safety.


What is the best coastal town near Valencia?

Let’s hit the beach! The 15 Best Beaches in Valencia, Spain 3


This town stands out as a jewel among coastal towns near Valencia. It offers a perfect blend of beautiful beaches, historical sites, and natural beauty, all wrapped in the charm of Valencian culture. With its epic mountains and the majestic Cullera Castle overlooking the Mediterranean, this town seems to capture the heart of everyone who visits.


Altea is a scenic town known for its white-washed houses, cobblestone streets, and breathtaking sea views. Less than two hours from Valencia, the small town is particularly known for its striking architecture, artisan shops, and promenade lined with cafes and restaurants. Altea’s beaches, like Playa de la Roda, offer crystal-clear waters and rocky shores. It is the perfect place for those seeking peaceful nature and authenticity.


Often referred to as the “Gibraltar of Valencia,” Peñíscola is an absolute gem along the coast. This historic town is crowned by a Templar castle, once the residence of Pope Benedict XIII, which sits dramatically on a rocky headland. The beaches here, such as Playa Norte, are expansive and family-friendly, offering a wide range of facilities and a gorgeous setting against the backdrop of the old town.


Do you have to pay for beaches in Valencia?

One of the great joys of Valencia is that all its beaches are public and free to access. While the beaches themselves are open to everyone at no cost, certain amenities such as sun loungers, parasols, and water sports equipment can be rented for a fee. However, bringing your own beach gear is perfectly acceptable and pretty common among locals and visitors alike.


Making the Most of Valencia’s Seaside Splendor

Let’s hit the beach! The 15 Best Beaches in Valencia, Spain 2

Beyond the sunbathing and swimming, Valencia’s beaches are a gateway to a vibrant coastal lifestyle, filled with historical wonders, culinary delights, and festive traditions. Engage with the local community, savor the fresh seafood, and immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere that makes Valencia such a beloved destination.

Don’t Forget to Try Valencian Paella!

In the heart of Valencia’s coastal lifestyle lies its most iconic dish: Paella. Born from the hands of local farmers and fishermen, traditional Valencian Paella is a testament to the region’s rich culinary heritage. Valencian Paella combines white rice, green beans, and various meats like rabbit and chicken and is traditionally cooked in a large, flat pan over an open fire.

Today, Paella is more than a meal; it’s a cultural symbol and community experience. The authenticity of Valencian Paella lies in its simplicity and the use of local ingredients, making it a unique and unmissable experience for visitors. It’s an experience that goes beyond gastronomy, encapsulating the spirit of Valencia in every savory spoonful.

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  • All photos used through Canva Free Media License