
Urban Campus Impact Report 2024

It’s that time of year again! 

We are thrilled to present our 2024 Urban Campus Impact Report! 

Each year, we summarize our key achievements in an annual Impact Report, highlighting improvements in coliver satisfaction, changes in our client base, and our continued geographic and product expansion. Let’s take a look at the significant milestones we achieved this past year.


Urban Campus: Growth & Innovation

Urban Campus Impact Report 2024 - let's take a look!

Just in case you’re new here, let’s do a quick catch-up. 

Founded in 2016 in Paris, Urban Campus was born from a vision to redefine urban living, emphasizing community, convenience, and innovation. Our journey goes a little something like this: 

  • 2018: Inauguration of our first coliving space in Spain
  • 2023: Expansion to 10 operational sites across Spain and France
  • 2024: Over 30 projects currently in development across Europe, a testament to our original commitment of revolutionizing urban living on a large-scale. 


Demographics: Our Diverse Community

Urban Campus Impact Report 2024 - let's take a look!

Our coliving spaces remain popular amongst young professionals, attracting a diverse group of residents:

Average Age: 35 years old, consistent with previous years. 

Living Arrangements:

  • 87% of our tenants now live alone, which represents a +14% increase in solo living preferences compared last year.

Resident Demographics:

  • International residents: 49%
  • National residents: 51%
  • This nearly even split enriches our communities with diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Professional Backgrounds:

  • Company employees: 71%
  • Entrepreneurs: 6%
  • Freelancers: 6%
  • Other: 17%
  • These figures highlight the varied professional landscapes of our residents.


Convenience and Community

The primary appeal of Urban Campus lies in our flexible leases and all-inclusive services, with fully furnished, ready-to-move-in units. This hassle-free approach has greatly attracted residents, with 86% reporting increased happiness and 70% enjoying a healthier lifestyle post-move-in. Moreover, 60% of our residents envision continuing their journey with us into future life stages.

  • #1 Reason to Choose Urban Campus: Convenience
  • #2 Reason to Choose Urban Campus: Community


Community: The Heart of Urban Campus

Urban Campus Impact Report 2024 - let's take a look!

Community remains a cornerstone of the Urban Campus experience, with 92% of residents participating in monthly events and 73% experiencing increased social interactions. Our efforts to nurture this community spirit include robust onboarding for campus managers and leveraging modern technology to enhance resident interactions and feedback. These initiatives have led to a 20% increase in resident-led activities and improved satisfaction rates.

What does the Urban Campus community embody? 

At the heart of our community are the diverse and vibrant Urban Campus events, designed to foster connections and enrich the coliving experience. We also empower our colivers to take the lead by providing them with the resources and budget necessary to launch their own clubs and initiatives. Examples include the UC Madrid Horseback Riding Club and the Women’s Circle Empowerment Club. Additionally, we have dedicated Campus Managers in each of our cities who organize official UC events, from magic shows and cocktail nights to private concerts.

Community Across Our Cities

In cities with multiple coliving spaces, such as Madrid, Spain, and Lille, France, our community extends beyond individual buildings. We connect all Urban Campus colivers within the city, creating a broad, integrated network that enhances the sense of belonging and community engagement for everyone involved.


Sustainability: A Core Principle

Sustainability and environmental responsibility remain at the core of everything we do. 

Our commitment to sustainability is evident in our approach to refurbishing old buildings and employing sustainable construction practices. Some highlights in the past year include: 

  • BREEAM Certifications: Our Ayora, Valencia, and Mellado, Madrid Colivings are both proud holders of the BREEAM certification. BREEAM is a leading global sustainability assessment method, setting the standard for best practices in sustainable building design, construction, and operation. 
  • Passivhaus Certification: Our upcoming Cuatro Caminos #2 coliving in Madrid is being constructed according to the rigorous Passivhaus standard. This internationally recognized certification ensures buildings meet strict energy efficiency criteria, significantly reducing their ecological footprint while providing superior comfort and indoor air quality for residents.
  • Carbon Neutrality: The Cuatro Caminos #2 Coliving will also be our inaugural “Carbon Neutral” building. This milestone is achieved through the strategic acquisition of certified carbon credits, demonstrating our proactive approach to combating climate change and our dedication to achieving sustainability goals across our properties.


Looking Ahead: Expansion Beyond Coliving

Impact Report 2024 de Urban Campus: ¡Echemos un vistazo!

As Urban Campus evolves, we are diversifying beyond coliving with new concepts and housing solutions. 

Flex Living in Spain

We are exploring opportunities for “Flex Living” in Spain. In the first half of 2023 alone, Flex Living secured the second-highest investment volume in the living segments market, totaling a staggering €240 million. This model is similar to coliving, offering flexible lease terms and adaptable living spaces but with more frequent resident rotation.

Affordable Housing in France

In France, we’re implementing Affordable Multifamily housing solutions that combine cost-effectiveness with our core values of community and sustainability. These developments feature modern amenities and designs that support a community-focused lifestyle while addressing the urgent need for affordable housing in France. Our first projects will take place in Le Bourget and Colombes, in partnership with in’li.  


That’s a Wrap! 

The 2024 Impact Report not only reflects Urban Campus’s growth and innovation but also reinforces our commitment to our core values of enhancing urban living through community and sustainability. As we look to the future, we are excited about the opportunities to deepen our impact and continue providing exceptional living experiences for our diverse, vibrant community of residents.

Want to read the report yourself? 





























Looking for a place in Madrid?

Check out our coliving spaces located all throughout the city!




You only need your toothbrush!

Our rentals come fully furnished and equipped, plus wifi, cleaning and flexible leases.




Find your ideal living space

We offer everything from cozy private rooms to expansive apartments.

As cities grow and environmental challenges intensify, Urban Campus is at the forefront of integrating innovative solutions for sustainable urban living. The Passivhaus Standard, a cornerstone of energy-efficient construction, currently guides the construction of our newest Cuatro Caminos II, Madrid Coliving Space. 

The Passivhaus Standard dramatically reduces a building’s ecological footprint by optimizing energy use. Plus, it simultaneously enhances tenant comfort with carefully developed design criteria. Let’s take a closer look at exactly what it encompasses. 


What is the Passivhaus Standard?

All About the Passivhaus Standard 1

The Passivhaus Standard exemplifies energy efficiency in modern construction, establishing a rigorous benchmark that drastically reduces the ecological footprint of buildings. Its core principles ensure a radical decrease in energy needs for heating and cooling, along with a host of other benefits that promote sustainable living:

  • Exceptional Energy Efficiency: The standard promises to reduce heating and cooling demands by up to 90% compared to conventional buildings. This is achieved through sophisticated design and engineering that optimizes the building’s performance.
  • Super Insulation: Building envelopes are wrapped in thick layers of high-performance insulation, which minimize heat loss during winter and keep the interior cool during summer.
  • Air-tightness: Buildings are designed to be nearly air-tight, preventing uncontrolled air leakage. This control is crucial for maintaining energy efficiency and interior comfort.
  • High-performance Windows: Utilizing triple-pane windows with insulated frames helps to trap heat during colder months and reflect heat during warmer months, maintaining consistent interior temperatures.
  • Ventilation with Heat Recovery: A mechanical ventilation system is crucial in Passivhaus buildings. It delivers fresh air while recovering heat from exhaust air, maintaining good air quality without letting heat escape.
  • Minimal Energy Losses: The meticulous attention to insulation and air-tightness leads to minimal energy loss, a fundamental aspect of the Passivhaus approach. This ensures that little energy is wasted, and the building’s carbon footprint is significantly reduced.
  • Enhanced Comfort and Air Quality: The combination of continuous fresh air supply, consistent indoor temperatures, and reduced drafts contributes to a superior indoor environment. Tenants enjoy high levels of excellent air quality, which are significant for health and well-being.


The Origins of the Passivhaus Standard

All About the Passivhaus Standard 2

The Passivhaus Standard traces back to a collaborative research project between Professors Bo Adamson of Sweden and Wolfgang Feist of Germany in the late 1980s. Recognizing the need for buildings that could maintain energy efficiency and comfort without relying heavily on active heating and cooling systems, they embarked on developing a set of principles that would radically reduce energy consumption in buildings.

The first Passivhaus residences were built in Darmstadt, Germany, in 1991. These prototype buildings demonstrated that it was possible to dramatically cut energy costs by focusing on the building’s envelope and passive solar heating techniques. The success of these initial projects led to the formal establishment of the Passivhaus Institute in 1996. Now, the institute serves as the hub for research, development, and certification of Passivhaus standards globally.

Key milestones in the development of the Passivhaus Standard include:

  • 1990s: Refinement of the standard and the spread of the concept across Germany and other parts of Europe.
  • 2000s: Expansion of the standard internationally, proving the standard’s adaptability to different climates and cultures.
  • 2010s: Increased focus on retrofitting existing buildings to meet Passivhaus standards and integration with other sustainable building certifications.


Certification Pathway: Attaining Passivhaus Status

All About the Passivhaus Standard 3

Achieving Passivhaus certification is a rigorous process that demands strict adherence to specific performance requirements. This certification not only underscores ultra-low energy usage for heating and cooling but also covers the building’s overall primary energy consumption. Key elements scrutinized during the certification process include:

  • Thermal Insulation: The building must be equipped with top-grade insulation that significantly reduces heat transfer. This includes all aspects of the building envelope – from walls and floors to roofs and exterior doors.
  • High-Performance Windows: Windows must have high insulation levels and be properly installed to prevent thermal bridging and leakage. This is crucial for maintaining consistent internal temperatures.
  • Ventilation System: A mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery is essential. This system ensures that fresh air is continuously supplied and stale air is expelled, all while retaining most of the temperature of the indoor air.
  • Construction Quality: The integrity of the building construction must meet high standards to ensure that all components work together effectively. This involves meticulous attention to detail to eliminate any thermal bridges and air leakage points.

Is the Passivhaus Standard Difficult to Attain?

Although the criteria are demanding, achieving Passivhaus certification is feasible with precise planning and execution. Success depends largely on: 

  • Meticulous Design: Every aspect of the building design must be carefully planned to meet energy efficiency targets.
  • Quality of Execution: The construction must accurately follow the planned specifications to ensure integrity and high performance.
  • Testing and Validation: Throughout the construction process, various tests, including air tightness tests, are necessary to validate that the building meets the required standards.

For our Urban Campus coliving spaces, aligning with the Passivhaus Standard not only contributes to environmental conservation but also ensures the creation of future-proof, energy-efficient living spaces.


Passivhaus in Spain

In Spain, the adoption of the Passivhaus standard has been gaining momentum. This is particularly important as the country faces increasing energy costs and a growing recognition of sustainable construction benefits. A few key developments include:

  • Regulatory Support: Various regional governments have begun to encourage Passivhaus designs by offering incentives for energy-efficient construction.
  • Educational and Awareness Efforts: Institutions and non-profit organizations across Spain have been pivotal in promoting the Passivhaus standard through educational programs and public awareness campaigns. These efforts have increased the expertise available in the country and have fostered a growing community of certified Passivhaus designers and consultants.

Passivhaus projects in Spain have demonstrated significant energy savings and enhanced comfort for tenants, driving interest among developers, architects, and homeowners alike. As Spain continues to embrace these sustainable building practices, the impact of Passivhaus is expected to grow. The hope is that the broader construction industry is influenced towards more environmentally friendly and efficient standards.


Urban Campus & Passivhaus 

Urban Campus is proud that our Cuatro Caminos II, Madrid Coliving will be our pioneering Passivhaus project in Spain. This new residence is located adjacent to our original Cuatro Caminos Coliving Space. With an emphasis on sustainability, this greenfield project is being constructed with locally sourced materials and is designed to be completely carbon neutral.

Key Features of Cuatro Caminos II:

  • Location and Size: Spans 1,825 square meters with a total of 32 total units.
  • Wooden Structural Framework: The first coliving space in Spain to be built with a wooden structural framework.
  • Carbon-Neutral: Residual Co2 emissions are completely offset through the acquisition of certified carbon credits.
  • Passivhaus Certification: Built to meet rigorous energy efficiency standards.
  • Coworking Zones and Fitness Facilities: Shared spaces designed to support work, collaboration and wellness.
  • Common Kitchen and Interior Courtyard: Shared spaces that encourage community engagement and relationship               building.
  • Multiple Terraces and Bicycle Parking: Plenty of outdoor access and eco-friendly transportation options.


Our Commitment to Sustainability 

Urban Campus is deeply committed to pioneering sustainable urban living. Our focus extends beyond building efficient structures; we strive to create communities that foster environmental awareness and action. By integrating advanced sustainable criterias like the Passivhaus and BREEAM into our spaces, we work to not only support the environment but also enhance the quality of life for our tenants.


Photo Credits: 

  • All photos used through the Canva Free Media License





























Looking for a place in Madrid?

Check out our coliving spaces located all throughout the city!




You only need your toothbrush!

Our rentals come fully furnished and equipped, plus wifi, cleaning and flexible leases.




Find your ideal living space

We offer everything from cozy private rooms to expansive apartments.

Let’s take a trip to the town of Croix, France, where a transformative project is underway. 

La Maillerie, once a dormant industrial site, is now being redeveloped into a thriving hub for community and sustainability. This urban development merges residential, commercial, and cultural assets to enhance quality of life, increase economic opportunities, and enrich overall community connection. 

The project represents a total reinvention of the La Maillerie area in Croix, France, and Urban Campus is thrilled to be playing a key part. Let’s dive in! 


The La Maillerie Project: An Overview 

La Maillerie Urban Development Project in Croix, France 8

How can urban spaces evolve to meet modern needs while also promoting community well-being? 

In Croix, France, the answer lies in the innovative development of La Maillerie. The scope of the La Maillerie project encompasses a comprehensive development plan designed to transform the area into a model of modern urban living. This includes the construction of residential units, commercial offices, retail spaces, and cultural venues, each built with sustainability and community engagement at the forefront. 

La Maillerie’s vision is to create a vibrant ‘mini-city’ where residents can work, relax, and socialize in a community-focused environment. This holistic approach includes the development of new educational facilities, cultural landmarks, and technology hubs. At the center of the community will be our Urban Campus La Maillerie, Lille Coliving Space. Together, these developments will synergize to provide an enriched, community-centric living experience.


Life in La Maillerie 

La Maillerie Urban Development Project in Croix, France 7

La Maillerie in Croix, France is quickly gaining attention as an exciting hub for young professionals. The area is characterized by its blend of contemporary architecture and lush green spaces, offering a peaceful environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle. The area is particularly known for: 

  • Convenience and Accessibility: Centrally located with easy access to public transportation.
  • Green Living: New residential living options, like Urban Campus La Maillerie Coliving, with modern amenities and nearby parks and gardens.
  • Cultural Hotspot: Regular arts and cultural events held at cool local venues and public spaces.

La Maillerie also has many options for entertainment and meeting new people. Some favorite places to visit in the area include: 

  • Le Bistrot de la Maillerie – A favorite for its local cuisine and charming ambiance.
  • Café Vert – Known for its eco-friendly menu and organic coffee.
  • Croix Community Theater – Offers a variety of performances, from local plays to international performances.
  • Maillerie Marketplace – A local artisan market selling handmade crafts and local produce.
  • Urban Sports Complex – For those looking to stay active, featuring state-of-the-art facilities for a variety of sports.
  • Les Halles de la Maillerie – A modern marketplace offering a variety of gourmet foods and fresh produce in a lively, open-air setting.
  • Brique House: A popular beer house and prime spot for social gatherings and tastings.


Urban Campus La Maillerie, Lille Coliving

Urban Campus is set to enrich the dynamic community of La Maillerie with the introduction of our La Maillerie, Lille Coliving Space in July 2024. This will be our largest coliving to-date, with 121 units. As with all of our coliving spaces, our La Maillerie residence will include common spaces like a coworking space, fitness area, movie room, lounge, additional shared kitchen, and terraces for all of our colivers to enjoy. 

More than just coliving

Our La Maillerie Coliving is not just about providing a place to stay; it’s about creating an interconnected environment where colivers can build meaningful relationships. Urban Campus focuses on reducing urban isolation specifically through our social events and communal spaces, helping residents form friendships and feel more integrated in the area. 

Participating in La Maillerie’s urban development in Croix, France aligns perfectly with our mission to craft living spaces that are not only convenient but also socially engaging and environmentally responsible. By integrating innovative design with community centric initiatives, we aim to contribute significantly to the social fabric of La Maillerie, ensuring that the development becomes a thriving place for personal and professional growth.


Urban Campus Looking to the Future

Since its inception in 2016, Urban Campus has been at the forefront of revolutionizing urban living with community-focused coliving spaces aimed primarily at young professionals in France and Spain. We continue to open many new coliving assets, however, are also branching into a wider range of housing solutions

The development project at La Maillerie exemplifies the profound commitment of Urban Campus to transcend traditional housing options. Our mission encompasses community engagement, urban revitalization, and uniting diverse individuals under a new vision of urban living. Our ventures now range from multifamily complexes to affordably priced rental housing (“logements locatifs intermédiaires”), all strategically designed to meet the varied needs of an expansive urban demographic. 

Vision for Urban Living

We envision a future where all urban dwellers have access to housing that is not only economically feasible but also culturally enriching. By continuing to innovate how we design and manage our properties, Urban Campus is invoking meaningful change in the housing sector. Our La Maillerie Coliving is another leap forward in our goal of offering housing options that promote inclusivity, connectivity, and overall well-being. We can’t wait to open! 

Want to read more about La Maillerie? 


Photo Credits: 

  • Photos 1-2: Canva Free Media License































Looking for a place?

Check out our all-inclusive La Maillerie coliving space!

We’ve all heard about artificial intelligence “taking over the world.”

With the recent arrival of ChatGPT and a whole range of fancy AI tools, it’s easier than ever to envision a dystopian future controlled by freaky AI robots. Many of us have found ourselves wondering…will AI replace my job? Will I be out of work in a few years? 

Phil Calzavara, esteemed Engineer & Data Scientist, sees things differently. In fact, Phil views artificial intelligence as a promising augmentation of our current human capabilities, not an outright replacement. While many industries will certainly have to adjust to the arrival of advanced AI technology, he sees this as a positive change that will revolutionize our collective creativity, rather than limit it. 

Can you imagine? AI being used as a tool to propel innovation into new realms, allowing anyone to breathe life into a creative, personalized venture and lowering the barriers to do so? 

Well, Phil has put this to the test. And it’s impressive. 



storybooks from dreamstories.ai

Phil’s groundbreaking entrepreneurial venture, dreamstories.ai, leverages AI to create personalized storybooks for your friends and loved ones. By uploading just a few photos, Phil’s specialized AI technology generates spot-on illustrations that turn your chosen person into the protagonist of the story. Then, voilà! Your friend, child, parent, or whoever you choose is a storybook superhero, illustrated in perfect detail as they embark on wild adventures and save the day. 

To create your own storybook, it goes a little something like this…

  • Head to the website dreamstories.ai  
  • Personalize your story by answering a few prompts and adding key details
  • Upload several photos of your selected person 
  • Take a look at the demo version of your story 
  • Order your personalized storybook for delivery! 

The inspiration behind dreamstories.ai storybooks

The idea for dreamstories.ai was actually born from a simple favor. Phil, known as the “techy AI guy” in his circle of friends, was asked if he could make a personalized storybook featuring his friends’ son as the main character. Of course, his answer was yes. But as he dove into the intricacies of AI image generation, he was surprised to discover many gaps in the technology. 

It proved incredibly difficult to produce consistent AI generated images. The process entailed working with numerous AI base models, training and “fine-tuning” their behaviors, and even still the illustrations were largely flawed and difficult to replicate at scale. Phil began going down Reddit and YouTube rabbit holes, fascinated by the lack of formalized research on this topic. 

He realized there was a huge untapped market when it came to AI image generation, and his curiosity quickly turned into a deeper passion to develop this technology and create his own brand.  


Phil’s unique AI formula

storybooks from dreamstories.ai

Phil became fascinated with the idea of large-scale personalization using artificial intelligence. With regard to storybooks, he knew this sense of personalization would be the key to their success: the more specific and detailed a story, the more engaging it is. If he was going to scale dreamstories.ai, it was essential to train the AI to create high degrees of customization, both with text and illustrations. 

Phil leveraged different AI base models, specifically Open AI and Stable Diffusion, as a basis for the storybooks’ creation process. Then came the big challenge: fine-tuning. In the data tech world, fine-tuning refers to the introduction of new information into these base models, and teaching them how to execute new tasks. 

Now, Dreamstories.ai is fully operational, and has received incredibly positive feedback about the life-like details of the AI generated illustrations. New story themes, options for multiple personalized characters, and even stories featuring your own pets are all coming soon! 


Innovation at it’s finest 

storybooks from dreamstories.ai

Phil comes from an extensive background in both computer and data science. He completed studies at the Polytechnic Universities of Milan and Madrid. Most recently, he worked as a Data Scientist for Uber in Amsterdam playing a key role in designing and analyzing Uber’s payment and transaction infrastructure to support millions of daily rides. He has an extensive CV of experience, yet cites that roughly 80% of his AI technology with dreamstories.ai has been completely new knowledge for him. 

“It’s a super new field. There aren’t books about this right now…It’s a lot of intuition. Trying things out, seeing what works and what doesn’t work and then cutting what doesn’t.” 

Phil remembers being fascinated by computers ever since the age of 5. He was playing computer games before he could read or write, and always had a strong intuition that he would be an entrepreneur. As he continues to refine his illustration generation process with dreamstories.ai, he increasingly envisions how AI technology can evolve to support future personalized products and ventures.


Phil & Urban Campus 

In terms of Phil’s personal life? Something like “non-stop world traveler” would be a fitting description. He is originally from Italy but has spent time living in Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands as well as summers in the United States, Hungary and Russia. One challenge he has faced with his international lifestyle has been maintaining meaningful friendships and community. 

“It is such an investment of time, you have to build relationships and you know that most people move on with their lives and move to different countries…I think from that perspective UC helped me a lot.” 

For Phil, the community was the primary aspect that attracted him to Urban Campus. He lived for 1 year at our Urban Campus Mellado, Madrid Coliving in 2021 before moving to the Netherlands for work. A year and a half later, he decided to return to Madrid to work full-time on dreamstories.ai, largely due to the strong friendships he still had in the city. Returning to UC Mellado was a no-brainer, as he still had many friends in the coliving and wanted a solid community as he pursued his new storybooks venture. 

“The fact that in UC you are living with so many people, it is so great from a perspective of making friends. For a person that just moved to Madrid, I think it is amazing. They get to know 100 people in just a few days. Not to mention all the events and the community breakfasts, which are the best.” 

Coworking at Urban Campus

As a self-employed entrepreneur who works from home, Phil especially appreciates the coworking space at UC. It has given him the chance to separate his working and living space, and also get feedback from other colivers about his business. In this way, he has gained friendships and collaborative colleagues all at the same time. 

Phil leads the operations at dreamstories.ai completely by himself, which he mentioned can be challenging and lonely – although, gratifying above all. Having access to the international community at UC has made his journey far less isolating, giving him a family of people with whom he can celebrate his progress and wins. We can’t wait to see what comes next for him, and of course order storybooks of our own!

Want to check out the storybooks for yourself? 

Urban Campus is rapidly expanding their portfolio of innovative housing solutions. 

In the ever-evolving landscape of urban development, Urban Campus has emerged as a pivotal force. The company is fundamentally transforming the essence of city living. Founded in 2016, Urban Campus has established itself as more than just a housing provider. It is a community builder, crafting coliving spaces that foster connection and growth among young professionals across France and Spain.

Maxime Armand, Urban Campus COO and Co-Founder, recently sat down with Le Figaro to illuminate this journey. He spotlights how Urban Campus’s unique approach—merging private units with state-of-the-art common spaces—has not only redefined residential living but has also catered to the modern needs for flexibility and social integration. This model has proven successful, challenging traditional living arrangements and responding to the growing trend of remote work and urban isolation.


More than just Coliving

innovative housing solutions

However, Urban Campus’s operations are extending beyond coliving. Throughout 2024, the company is set to triple its portfolio. In addition to coliving, they will be introducing multifamily complexes and LLI affordable housing. In this way, Urban Campus is quickly broadening its reach to encompass multi-generational residents. This expansion is rooted in the company’s unwavering pillars of affordability, quality, and community spirit, aiming to make urban living accessible and enriching for a wider demographic.


The Foundation of Urban Campus

Must Do's if you Live in Lille, France

The foundation of Urban Campus is built on addressing the challenges of high living costs, social isolation, and the absence of a supportive community in cities. By blending private and shared spaces, Urban Campus has created environments where individuals can thrive personally and collectively. They promote a lifestyle that values mutual support and shared experiences.

As urban landscapes continue to evolve, Urban Campus is not merely adapting but leading the change. They are focused on ensuring this growth encompasses inclusivity and sustainability. The companies exisiting residencies are testaments to the transformative power of innovative housing solutions. With each new opening, Urban Campus proves that cities can indeed become places of rich community and inclusivity.


The Way of the Future

innovative housing solutions

Through continued expansion and commitment to addressing the diverse needs of urban dwellers, Urban Campus stands as a model for future urban living solutions. Maxime Armand’s insights from the Le Figaro interview not only highlight the company’s past achievements but also pave the way for its future endeavors. They continue to focus on creating vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive urban environments for everyone to enjoy.

Keep an eye on Urban Campus as we proudly expand our portfolio. From our new Avenida America, Madrid Coliving to our novel La Maillerie, Lille Coliving coming in the summer of 2024, we’re not just growing — we’re evolving. Our strides into multifamily and affordable housing further showcase our commitment to diverse, quality urban living. We’re not just building spaces; we’re creating the future of city living. Stay connected for more developments!


Watch the full interview…HERE!

March 1, 2024

Read the full article HERE.

  • The 2024 finance law in France signifies a paradigm shift by focusing on affordable housing, creating a legislative framework that benefits both citizens and investors while fostering social inclusion.
  • Urban Campus is actively involved in shaping policies to ensure access to affordable and sustainable housing, offering services and rentals at fixed prices.
  • The French initiative could serve as a model for Spain, suggesting a collaboration between the public and private sectors to solve the housing crisis.


Progress in the Affordable Housing Sector in France

The future of urban living and affordable housing

Ana Martínez, the Chief Operations Officer for Iberia at Urban Campus, discusses the impact of the new housing law in France, highlighting how this legislation brings significant changes to the sector by emphasizing affordable housing and social inclusion. The law benefits not just French citizens but also investors committed to the affordable housing sector.

Urban Campus plays a significant role in this transformation, working with lawmakers to develop policies that not only facilitate housing access but also promote sustainability. By adopting an approach focused on shared economy, Urban Campus is redefining the concept of urban community through projects that offer included services such as Wi-Fi, gyms, and coworking areas. These are also part of their “Build to Rent” schemes, located in places such as Colombes and Le Bourget.


Affordable Housing in Spain

The future of urban living and affordable housing

This approach contrasts with the situation in Spain, where despite efforts, there is still room for improvement in collaboration between the public and private sectors to address the housing crisis. The French legislation could inspire new legislation in Spain, promoting a collaborative model that benefits all involved parties.

Urban Campus’s strategy, aligned with ESG principles, proposes eco-friendly buildings and housing that not only meet current needs but also set a standard for the future of urban housing. This combined with their sharp insight towards the ever-changing needs of urban dwellers is marking a new paradigm in the European real estate sector.

Want to read more about Urban Campus? 

In today’s bustling urban cities, the idea of coliving has quickly caught fire. Coliving is an incredibly innovative way to live more sustainably, spark collaboration, and create tight-knit communities. Urban Campus has been at the forefront of this real estate trend, with our knack for designing intuitive coliving spaces across major European cities. For us, coliving spaces aren’t just about providing a roof over your head – it’s about nurturing a strong sense of togetherness and community. 

Let’s take a closer look at how to design coliving spaces that just feel right.


What Does Intuitive Design Mean in Coliving?

Crafting Intuitive Coliving Spaces: Lessons from Urban Campus 3

When we talk about intuitive design in coliving, we’re referring to spaces that people can naturally navigate and enjoy. These spaces should make daily life smoother, encouraging residents to connect and form new relationships. In order to meet the dynamic needs of young professionals, our coliving spaces always include: 

  • A blend of private and communal spaces
  • Advanced technology integration
  • Sustainability practices
  • Fully equipped & furnished spaces, completely move-in ready

We know that y​oung professionals today are looking for more than just a place to rest their heads; they seek environments that foster personal and professional growth. They value connectivity and the ability to network with like-minded individuals within their living space. The ease of having a fully furnished space is also unmatched for young professionals. We aim to remove all moving hassles and embrace total convenience, freeing our colivers to focus on their goals and interests. 


Design Process & Feasibility Study 

Crafting Intuitive Coliving Spaces: Lessons from Urban Campus 4

The design and construction—or refurbishment—of Urban Campus coliving spaces begins with meticulous planning and a strategic feasibility study. This crucial step assesses the potential of a site or building to meet our specific needs. We look at everything from architectural viability to design opportunities and environmental considerations. 

A feasibility study ensures two very important things. First, that every Urban Campus project is architecturally sound. Second, that our projects align properly with our commitment to creating sustainable, tech-enabled, and community-focused living environments. The final outcome is a detailed roadmap that guides the transformation of buildings into vibrant coliving communities rooted in innovation and inclusivity.

Key Components of our Feasibility Study: 

  • Architectural Viability: Ensures the structural integrity and potential of the building or site.
  • Design Opportunities: Identifies innovative ways to create functional, aesthetically pleasing spaces.
  • Environmental Impact: Assesses sustainability practices to minimize ecological footprint.
  • Technology Integration: Evaluates the potential for incorporating smart technologies for enhanced living experiences.
  • Community Engagement: Looks into creating spaces that foster connection and collaboration among residents.
  • Market Analysis: Determines the demand and viability of the coliving concept in the targeted area.
  • Financial Assessment: Projects costs, revenues, and overall economic feasibility of the venture.


Urban Campus: Setting the Bar for Intuitive Coliving

Crafting Intuitive Coliving Spaces: Lessons from Urban Campus 1

At Urban Campus, we are leading the charge in making coliving spaces that go the extra mile and foster a real sense of community. Our overall mission? To transform urban living into something more meaningful, community-oriented and fulfilling.

The Building Blocks of Urban Campus’ Intuitive Coliving Space

  • Community at the Core: Urban Campus designs common areas to foster community and connection. These include coworking spaces, lounges, kitchens, entertainment rooms, gyms, patios, rooftop terraces, and more! 
  • Your Own Space: Each private unit is its own sanctuary, equipped with smart storage and technology for convenience.
  • Green Living: Urban Campus is committed to sustainability, using energy-efficient fixtures, eco-friendly materials, and providing sustainability education to colivers. Our buildings often achieve certifications like BREEAM, Passivhaus, or carbon neutrality.
  • Smart Tech for Easy Living: Features include keyless entry and an Urban Campus community app for event sign-ups, clubs and networking.
  • Convenience Above Everything: Fully equipped spaces, from common areas to private units, with essentials provided. One all-inclusive monthly bill that covers rent, utilities, wifi, cleaning and more. Plus, we have a flexible 30-day cancellation policy for easy transitions. 

The Benefits of Coliving 

Coliving merges affordability, convenience, and community, offering an all-inclusive living solution with utilities, wifi, and furniture and more in one package. It fosters social connections and professional networking through shared spaces, making it an ideal living solution for digital nomads and urban professionals. 


The Bigger Picture: Community and Well-being

Crafting Intuitive Coliving Spaces: Lessons from Urban Campus 2

Intuitive design does more than make a space functional and attractive; it creates an environment where people can come together, forming a supportive community. This sense of belonging is crucial for mental well-being, helping to combat loneliness and build a network of support. Urban Campus coliving spaces are not just places to live; they’re places to grow, collaborate, and be inspired. 

Want to read more about Urban Campus? 

January 30th, 2024

  • Urban Campus is set to open La Maillerie, Lille Coliving in summer 2024.
  • This new construction venture is supported by Nhood (real estate provider) and Batipart (investor).
  • The La Maillerie coliving marks Urban Campus’ largest coliving project, with a total of 121 units.
  • The building features a unique design of shared cluster units in cozy, standard, or premium categories.

We are expanding in Lille! 

Urban Campus is thrilled to announce the continued progress of the La Maillerie Coliving venture in Lille, set to open in the summer of 2024. This innovative coliving development, in partnership with Nhood and Batipart, has been meticulously designed from the ground up to embody the essence of coliving. The building will offer 121 units, making it Urban Campus’ largest coliving space to date.

La Maillerie, Lille Coliving coming in summer 2024


Urban Campus La Maillerie, Lille Coliving 

The La Maillerie, Lille Coliving will have a distinctive design featuring cluster units. These units are crafted to balance private and communal living, offering residents their own private bedrooms alongside sleek, shared common areas. Also, future colivers will have the choice of cozy, standard, and premium living options. Each category offers different amenities and modern layouts. 

Urban Campus has always been committed to providing exceptional common spaces for community-building and connection. This project is no different, including state-of-the-art common zones like:

  • Coworking Space
  • Gym
  • Cinema Room
  • Event Space
  • Lounge
  • Shared Kitchen
  • Expansive Terraces
  • Patio


La Mallerie in Villeneuve-d’Ascq

La Maillerie, Lille Coliving coming in summer 2024!

La Maillerie is a historic district undergoing a vibrant transformation. It is nestled in the tranquil Villeneuve-d’Ascq region of Lille. This rapidly developing area is becoming a hub for professional opportunities, thanks to its proximity to the headquarters of major corporations like Auchan, Bonduelle, and Leroy Merlin

The area is also home to universities and specialized schools, including the prestigious EDHEC Business School Campus. This blend of industrial growth and educational excellence makes La Maillerie an ideal place for professional development and networking.

Additionally, the neighborhood is a haven for nature lovers and cultural enthusiasts. The region boasts extensive green spaces, including the Parc du Héron nature reserve. Furthermore, the culinary scene is vibrant, highlighted by the internationally recognized Les Halles Biltoki food market. This renowned market is a central spot in the neighborhood, and is conveniently located less than 5 minutes from our new coliving. 

La Maillerie is ideally situated at the crossroads of the Croix and Villeneuve-d’Ascq areas, offering a perfect blend of local charm and convenience. The location also provides access to the lively city center of Lille. 


Urban Campus: Expanding and Growing

La Maillerie, Lille Coliving coming in summer 2024!

The launch of La Maillerie is a significant milestone in the ongoing expansion and growth of Urban Campus. Our vision is to revolutionize the concept of urban living, and this venture is a leap forward in that direction.

Above all, we are dedicated to creating innovative living spaces that adapt to the evolving needs of the modern world. This new venture is a pivotal step in our mission to broaden our reach across France. It is a symbol of our growing commitment to enhancing urban life through innovative living solutions.

Explore more: 


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Have you ever tried kombucha? 

Kombucha is quickly becoming a sensation worldwide. Imagine a refreshing, fermented drink that not only tastes delicious but also offers unique health benefits. Crafted from a blend of tea, yeast, and sugar, Kombucha’s magic ingredient is the “SCOBY” – a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. This bacteria turns kombucha into a drink that is, in fact, alive

While the concept of a ‘living’ beverage might seem unusual, Kombucha’s fusion of deliciousness and wellness is something you need to experience. Trust us on this one; you’ve got to try it.   

We are excited to not only jump into the fascinating world of Kombucha, but to also share the inspiring story of one of our Urban Campus colivers. Get ready to meet an inspiring entrepreneur who transformed his affinity for Kombucha into a booming business and one-of-a-kind brand. 


Meet Raul de Frutos: Co-CEO and Co-founder at Viver Kombucha 

Meet Raul de Frutos: Co Founder & Co CEO at Viver Kombucha

Raul de Frutos is a coliver in our UC Atocha, Madrid Coliving and is the Co-CEO and Co-founder of Viver Kombucha. It is nearly impossible to describe Raul in just a few words, but if we had to, it would go something like this: fervently passionate, curious, and downright inspiring. Raul co-founded and runs Viver Kombucha, the #1 fastest growing kombucha brand in Spain in 2023. 

But how did Viver Kombucha come to be? Let’s rewind.

Originally from Cádiz, Spain, Raul moved to Madrid to study Industrial Engineering at the Univerisdad Politécnica de Madrid. It was there where he met Fernando, who would later become his future business partner. During their final year of university, they both decided to go to the United States to complete their degrees in Chicago. Having always been drawn to adventure, Raul loved the challenge of living in a foreign country and exploring the many cultural differences. 

The most important thing Raul did in the US? Drink kombucha. He cited himself as a total kombucha addict during this time, and also witnessed the rapid growth in the drinks popularity. Raul stayed in Chicago for 5 years after graduation, working principally with startups and gaining tons of professional experience. But in the back of his mind, he always had the idea of popularizing Kombucha in Spain. 


The start of Viver Kombucha

Meet Raul de Frutos: Co Founder & Co CEO at Viver Kombucha

Following their five-year stint in Chicago, Raul and Fernando both moved back to Spain with the plan to launch their very own Kombucha venture. They used their savings from the US to establish a dedicated Kombucha factory in Granada. This endeavor involved months of meticulous effort, especially when it came to refining the art of Kombucha brewing on a large scale. 

“We thought we knew how to make Kombucha, but once you start making it at scale it’s completely different. Kombucha is a really wild product and we had many things to learn. We actually went to California to learn from the Kombucha gurus there, and did a lot of consulting and revisions of our process.”

Mastering the kombucha-making process

Meet Raul de Frutos: Co Founder & Co CEO at Viver Kombucha

If you’re curious how Kombucha is brewed, here’s a quick overview of the process. 

  • Brew sweet tea as the base.
  • Add sugar and a SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast) to the tea.
  • The SCOBY eats the sugar, converting it into beneficial acids and probiotics.
  • Let the mixture ferment for about 3-4 weeks.
  • Add organic fruits for flavoring.
  • Allow another week of fermentation to infuse the flavors.
  • Bottle the kombucha.
  • Kombucha is not pasteurized in order to preserve the beneficial bacteria. Therefore, it should be kept refrigerated after production to maintain its quality and health benefits.

Building from scratch

Initially, Raul and Fernando did everything themselves, including hand-labeling every Kombucha bottle. They started with just one single flavor, ginger and turmeric, and went door-to-door asking stores in Granada to stock their product.

Meet Raul de Frutos: Co Founder & Co CEO at Viver Kombucha

Despite initial skepticism from friends and family, their efforts paid off. They sold their first bottle in March 2020, and sales quickly increased. In the early days, Viver Kombucha was only available in herbalists and specialty health food stores. Present day, it’s sold in over 4,000 stores across Spain, including major retailers like El Cortes Ingles and Carrefour. The company has expanded to a team of 20 and is also beginning to enter other European markets. Above all, their commitment to selling healthy products remains stronger than ever. 

“The market is full of drinks that are not healthy for people…I think it’s important that people have healthier options. Working on a product that is good for people really motivates us.” 


Raul & Urban Campus

Meet Raul de Frutos: Co Founder & Co CEO at Viver Kombucha

Raul’s entrepreneurial spirit is fully engaged in leading Viver Kombucha alongside Fernando, where he’s ambitiously expanding the brand to include a variety of fermented and healthful beverages. His vision is far-reaching, seeing kombucha as merely the first step in a larger journey.

Beyond the professional realm, Raul thrives on adventure and excitement. This is evident in his love for travel and socializing, coupled with a strong passion for fitness. He even completed an Ironman in Hawaii while residing in the US!

Passionate about meeting new people, Raul has always found great value in residing with roommates or in shared spaces. This preference led him to Urban Campus, attracted by the prospect of a vibrant, shared community. Since he works from home, Raul cherishes the ability to step out of his private space and spontaneously engage with fellow residents in common areas. Whether coworking together, hitting the gym or going to community pizza nights, the ease of connecting with other colivers in Urban Campus is priceless for him. Plus, the convenience and flexibility offered by Urban Campus is a great bonus for his busy lifestyle as a business owner. 

Want to try Viver Kombucha for yourself? 

  • Check out all their different packs and flavors!
  • Psst…UC members! Check out your UC Member perks for a special discount code.

Meet Raul de Frutos: Co Founder & Co CEO at Viver Kombucha

Are you considering coworking or coliving, or are you just curious about the evolving landscape of shared spaces? 

This article is your go-to guide! 

Coworking and coliving are emerging as the next big thing in real estate trends, with the global coworking market anticipated to grow significantly from $9.2 billion registered in 2022 to $34.5 billion by 2032, expanding at an alarming compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.6%, as per Allied Market Research. Concurrently, other studies also project exponential growth for the coliving market. 

In this coverage, we will unravel the dynamics of these transformative trends, providing insights, perspectives, and a glimpse into the exciting future of collaborative living and working. 

Explore expert financial guidance with Stephen Blake as we delve into these transformative realms. Stephen’s expertise, showcased in this collaborative blog post, offers invaluable perspectives. Let’s dive right in!


The Rise of Coliving and Coworking

Navigating Real Estate Trends in Coliving and Coworking Spaces - with Stephen Blake

Coliving and coworking have experienced a remarkable surge in popularity as real estate trends, capturing the essence of the evolving global work and living dynamics. Today, there are over 5 million coworkers worldwide, and this number is expected to experience even more significant growth. 

As already seen, the report by Allied Market Research projects a substantial annual growth rate of 14.6%, aligning closely with the 13% projection by Team Stage. Notably, the embrace of co-shared workspaces is evident among SMEs, with 37.93% utilizing these collaborative environments.

In this thriving ecosystem, the appeal of coworking extends beyond mere statistics. 84% of coworkers express heightened engagement and motivation when working alongside their peers. This statistic underscores the anticipation of further expansion in coworking, where collaborative environments foster creativity, productivity, and even better mental health. 

Meanwhile, in the realm of coliving, the chronic housing shortage we’re currently facing is expected to intensify in the coming years. Projections indicate that 9% of the global population will reside in 42 mega cities by 2030, with two-thirds expected to inhabit metro areas by 2050. 

Coliving consultant Leah Zilliac commented on these numbers, stating, “There simply isn’t enough housing to match these numbers. Coliving will (and must) play a role in helping to meet these demands in the future.” 

In other words, as we explore the landscapes of coliving and coworking, it becomes evident that these innovative models are not merely trends but integral solutions shaping the future of work and living.


Importance of Adapting to Modern Work and Lifestyle Trends

Navigating Real Estate Trends in Coliving and Coworking Spaces - with Stephen Blake 1

A lot has changed over the years in how we approach work and lifestyle. Thanks to population growth, technology, increased knowledge, and other triggers of change, almost all spheres of life have been affected by the wave of transformation, and this includes the commercial real estate landscape. 

For instance, gone are the days when a homebuyer had to attend countless in-person meetings to negotiate on a few elements when buying a house. Nowadays, remote buying of real estate has taken over, and that’s just one of the many palpable changes we’re witnessing in the housing market.

Coliving and coworking are other transformative trends, underscoring the inevitability of the changes happening in our current world.

But then, what is the importance of adapting to modern work and lifestyle practices, you may ask?

Well, here are some benefits:

  • Flexibility and Autonomy: Modern trends in work and lifestyle offer unprecedented flexibility. The shift to remote work allows individuals to structure their workdays in a way that suits them best, fostering a sense of autonomy.
  • Global Connectivity: The influence of technology has shattered geographical barriers. Coliving and coworking spaces provide a platform for global connectivity, enabling professionals to collaborate and connect across borders.
  • Economic Considerations: Embracing modern work and lifestyle trends can be economically advantageous. Remote work reduces the need for extensive office space, leading to cost savings for businesses. Similarly, coliving arrangements often offer more affordable living options than traditional housing.
  • Wellness and Community: There’s an increasing recognition of the importance of wellness in the workplace. Coliving spaces are designed with community and well-being in mind, providing shared amenities and communal areas that contribute to a holistic living experience.
  • Work-Life Integration: Modern trends encourage a seamless integration of work and life. The distinction between professional and personal spheres is becoming less rigid, allowing for a more balanced and harmonious lifestyle.

In essence, the changing dynamics of work and lifestyle underscore the need to adapt to modern real estate trends. Remote work, remote real estate transactions, coliving, and coworking are not just trends; they represent a paradigm shift that emphasizes flexibility, connectivity, and a holistic approach to life and work. As we navigate this transformative era, embracing these trends becomes not only beneficial but essential for thriving in the evolving landscape.


Coliving Trends

In recent years, coliving has witnessed a remarkable surge in popularity as societal and work dynamics undergo a transformative shift. Individuals are increasingly drawn to the concept of shared living that extends beyond traditional accommodation models. This trend is driven by a desire for community, flexibility, and enhanced social interaction.

The Concept of Coliving

Coliving represents a departure from conventional housing arrangements, emphasizing not just shared physical spaces but the cultivation of a vibrant and supportive community. 

It is a holistic approach to living that caters to a diverse demographic, offering an experiential lifestyle beyond mere cohabitation. Residents actively engage in communal activities, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose and finding a way to work around the escalating home prices.  

The concept aligns with the evolving preferences of a generation seeking meaningful connections and collaborative living experiences.

Demand for Coliving Spaces

The escalating demand for coliving spaces reflects a cultural shift in housing preferences. The mobile workforce, in particular, finds appeal in the flexibility and convenience offered by coliving arrangements. 

Millennials, as per LinkedIn, were initially the main driving force behind these real estate trends, owing to the social dynamics and cost-effectiveness inherent in shared living. However, demographics have shifted with time, with 2023 stats now showing older adults, including baby boomers and retirees, embracing the coliving arrangement. 

The integration of workspaces within coliving environments adds an extra layer of attractiveness, aligning with contemporary expectations of seamless work-life integration.

Key Features of Successful Coliving Spaces

Successful coliving spaces exhibit distinct features that contribute to their popularity and functionality:

  • Community-Centric Design: Thoughtfully crafted spaces that encourage social interaction through shared kitchens, lounges, and recreational areas. Design elements promote spontaneous connections among residents, fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Flexibility in Leasing: Offering short-term leases provides residents the freedom to adapt to changing circumstances. This flexibility aligns with the dynamic nature of modern lifestyles, catering to a diverse demographic, including digital nomads and short-term project-based workers.
  • Integrated Workspaces: Recognizing the importance of work-life balance, successful coliving spaces incorporate dedicated workspaces. These areas are equipped with amenities like high-speed internet and comfortable seating, creating a conducive environment for remote work.
  • Amenities and Shared Resources: Beyond individual living units, coliving spaces provide communal amenities such as fitness centers, coworking spaces, and laundry facilities. Shared resources, including utilities and internet, contribute to cost-effectiveness for residents.
  • Conflict Resolution Protocols: Conflicts are inevitable no matter who’s around us, so clear guidelines and mechanisms for conflict resolution are crucial for maintaining a harmonious living environment. Establishing transparent communication channels and addressing issues promptly contribute to the overall well-being of the community.
  • Cultural and Lifestyle Programming: Successful coliving spaces often curate cultural and lifestyle events. These can include workshops, social gatherings, and skill-sharing sessions, enhancing the overall experience and fostering a sense of community engagement.
  • Environmental Sustainability: A growing focus on sustainability is observed in successful coliving spaces. Incorporating eco-friendly practices, such as solar power, energy-efficient appliances, and waste reduction initiatives, resonates with environmentally conscious residents.

These features collectively define the success of coliving spaces, creating environments that not only meet the functional needs of residents but also contribute to a thriving and interconnected community.


Coworking Trends

The evolution of workspace dynamics has brought forth significant real estate trends in the coworking landscape. As professionals seek flexible and collaborative environments, coworking spaces have adapted to meet these changing needs. 

The Concept of Coworking

Coworking revolutionizes traditional office setups by providing shared workspaces that foster collaboration and flexibility. It goes beyond mere physical spaces, emphasizing a community-driven approach where diverse professionals coexist, share ideas, and collaborate. 

The benefits of coworking extend beyond a desk; it’s a dynamic environment that caters to freelancers, entrepreneurs, and remote workers, offering an alternative to traditional office settings. 

This shared space not only provides a cost-effective and adaptable work environment but also creates a vibrant community where the benefits of coworking, such as networking opportunities and shared resources, become integral to professional growth and a fulfilling work experience.

Growth of the Coworking Industry

The coworking industry has experienced exponential growth since 2010, impacting property management, driven by the rise of the gig economy, remote work trends, and a shift in professional preferences.

This flexible workspace solution has become a mainstream choice for individuals and businesses seeking cost-effective, adaptable, and community-oriented work environments. The industry’s trajectory signals a fundamental change in how people approach workspaces.

Essential Elements of Coworking Spaces

Successful coworking spaces exhibit key elements that contribute to their popularity and functionality. Some of these common trends include:

  • Flexible Workspaces: Coworking spaces include adaptable layouts that cater to diverse work styles, providing open areas for collaboration, private offices for focused work, and communal zones for informal discussions.
  • Community Atmosphere: Fostering a sense of community through networking events, skill-sharing workshops, and shared spaces that encourage spontaneous interaction. Coworking spaces often have community managers to facilitate connections among members.
  • Technology Integration: Equipping spaces with cutting-edge technology, including high-speed internet, video conferencing facilities, and smart office solutions. This enables seamless collaboration and connectivity for remote workers.
  • Amenities and Services: Offering amenities such as well-equipped coffee bars, comfortable lounges, and concierge services. Some coworking spaces even provide fitness facilities and wellness programs to enhance the overall work experience.
  • Accessibility: Convenient locations with easy access to public transportation, parking, and essential services. Proximity to restaurants, cafes, and other amenities contributes to the convenience of coworking spaces.
  • Customization Options: Allowing members to personalize their workspaces with adjustable desks, ergonomic furniture, and even branding opportunities. This creates a sense of ownership and comfort, enhancing the overall work environment.
  • Networking Opportunities: Facilitating networking through organized events, industry-specific meetups, and online platforms. Coworking spaces often have dedicated spaces for networking, encouraging collaboration and professional growth.
  • Sustainability Practices: Incorporating eco-friendly initiatives, such as energy-efficient lighting, recycling programs, and sustainable materials in construction. This commitment to sustainability aligns with the environmental consciousness of many professionals.

These essential elements collectively contribute to the success of coworking spaces, creating environments that not only meet the practical needs of professionals but also nurture a collaborative and vibrant community.



In our evolving world, coliving and coworking are the surging real estate trends in the market. Over 5 million people globally are coworking, with a projected 14.6% annual growth. Coliving addresses an impending housing shortage by 2030. Adapting to modern work trends is crucial, offering flexibility, global connections, and greater affordability. Remote work and shared spaces redefine our work-life approach. Coliving fosters wellness, while coworking emphasizes community and collaboration, benefitting freelancers, entrepreneurs, and remote workers. Embracing these trends is essential for a more dynamic and interconnected future.